Amlan® International Honored with New Product Showcase "Best of the Best" Award for Neutra
- “Best of the Best” in Live Production Award was presented at the recent International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) and recognizes outstanding exhibitors who have developed innovative technologies in products, services, or operating techniques that advance the industry.
- Research supporting NeutraPath’s efficacy as a natural pathogen control feed additive, designed to deliver equivalent performance to in-feed AGPs in high-challenge environments, was showcased at the International Poultry Scientific Forum during IPPE.
CHICAGO, Feb. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amlan® International, the animal health business of Oil-Dri® Corporation of America and a global leader in mineral-based feed additives that optimize the intestinal health of poultry and livestock, proudly announces its recognition at the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) with the prestigious "Best of the Best" award in Live Production for its innovative product, NeutraPath®, available in select international markets. This accolade highlights Amlan’s commitment to advancing the poultry industry with innovative solutions and follows the honor bestowed with the same award for their natural anticoccidial feed additive, Phylox® at the expo last year.
NeutraPath is a natural antimicrobial feed additive that has a proven synergistic formula with multiple modes of action, including reducing pathogenic bacterial load and colonization, improving the performance of pathogen-challenged poultry and livestock, and reducing mortality. This research-backed, natural solution optimizes intestinal health to improve the absorption of nutrients and overall performance in high-challenge environments.
"We are honored to receive the 'Best of the Best' award, recognizing our commitment to innovation and sustainability in the poultry industry," said Dr. Wade Robey, Vice President of Agriculture at Oil-Dri Corporation of America and President of Amlan International. "NeutraPath utilizes a proprietary and co-active blend of essential oils, fatty acids, and Amlan’s unique mineral technology to effectively reduce pathogenic bacterial load and colonization while simultaneously enhancing intestinal health and structural integrity. These benefits collectively contribute to improved performance and increased production yields. This recognition reaffirms our unwavering dedication to providing effective, natural solutions that address the diverse challenges faced by producers globally."
NeutraPath's multifaceted approach to disease prevention and control makes it a standout tool in an ever-changing market. Its efficacy has been demonstrated in numerous studies, showcasing its potential to deliver significant improvements in intestinal health, pathogen control, and feed conversion.
Dr. Aldo Rossi, Vice President of Innovation and Technical Services at Amlan International, commented, "The recent findings by the Southern Poultry Research Group on Broilers Challenged with Salmonella infantis presented at IPPE this January by Dr. Charles Hofacre, further validates NeutraPath’s effectiveness when combined with vaccines to enhance the reduction of Salmonella in the intestinal tract. Notably, the study establishes NeutraPath's efficacy in reducing Salmonella in the intestine, highlighting its versatility and practicality in real-world production settings."
Amlan was among three distinguished exhibitors selected for the IPPE New Product Showcase, reflecting its commitment to advancing industry standards through innovation. The company's dedication to excellence and sustainability has positioned NeutraPath as a game-changer in poultry production.
Prior to NeutraPath's recent achievement, Phylox, a natural, non-pharmaceutical coccidiosis solution that optimizes gut health, earned the award for "Best of the Best" in Live Production at the 2023 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE). This consecutive recognition highlights Amlan's ongoing commitment to investing in R&D and providing effective solutions while prioritizing animal welfare and sustainability. Like NeutraPath, Phylox is a natural feed additive. It contains a synergistic blend of bioactive phytochemicals. Its proprietary ingredients work together to damage Eimeria cell structure and function while strengthening intestinal integrity and boosting immunity.
To learn more about NeutraPath and its impact on poultry production, visit Amlan's website. For inquiries and product availability, contact your local NeutraPath representative via this link.
For further information about Amlan International, please visit
Media Contact: Reagan Culbertson, VP, Strategic Marketing
Company Information: Amlan International is the animal health business of Oil-Dri Corporation of America, a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: ODC). Product availability may vary by country; associated claims do not constitute medical claims and may differ based on government requirements.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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