NetSfere Integrates Microsoft Nuance’s Dragon Medical Speech Recognition Into Its Secure Messaging P
NetSfere Introduces Hands-Free Speech-to-Text Feature Enabling Efficient and Secure Communication of Medical Jargon for Healthcare Professionals
NetSfere Integrates Microsoft Nuance’s Dragon Medical Speech Recognition Into Its Secure Messaging Platform, Empowering Healthcare Professionals With Unmatched Compliance and Security
NetSfere Introduces Hands-Free Speech-to-Text Feature Enabling Efficient and Secure Communication of Medical Jargon for Healthcare Professionals
CHICAGO, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NetSfere, a global provider of next-generation secure and compliant messaging and mobility solutions, today reaffirms its collaboration with Microsoft and Nuance technology to equip healthcare organizations and professionals with encrypted and compliant communications utilizing Nuance’s Dragon Medical speech recognition. The cross-team solution enhances patient care and trust, increases operational efficiencies and protects communication practices enterprise-wide. NetSfere has been delivering elite communication services elevated with Dragon Medical features since 2020.
To create a seamless communication experience, NetSfere’s platform utilizes Nuance’s Dragon medical speech recognition so that doctors, nurses and frontline workers can converse using industry-specific vocabulary such as anatomical and surgical terms, procedures, diagnostic tests, ailments and prescription drug names in a hands-free manner that is completely secure, encrypted and compliant.
“Healthcare professionals are trusted with the careful handling of personal healthcare information, patient records and confidential treatment plans. By integrating Dragon Medical speech recognition with NetSfere’s protected platform, the sharing and discussing of this sensitive material is on an unmatched level not found in consumer-grade or other enterprise-grade communication platforms,” said Harsh Mamgain, Sr. Vice President of Product at NetSfere. “The technology picks up on the medical industry dialect and communicates updates in an accurate and efficient way that allows doctors and nurses to provide the best care to their patients.”
Maintaining compliance standards in an industry as regulated as healthcare is a critical priority. NetSfere’s advanced messaging technology is built to meet the sophisticated requirements of today’s healthcare industry and adheres to HIPAA and GDPR compliance guidelines.
Nuance, a Microsoft company, is trusted by 77% of U.S. hospitals and more than 75% of worldwide Fortune 100 companies. The cloud and AI software leader creates conversational AI experiences to drive better decision-making, improve customer and employee experiences, create more meaningful connections and produce tangible results.
“Dragon Medical is the newest and most capable conversational AI platform designed specifically for clinicians worldwide to deliver world-class experiences,” said Dr. Markus Vogel, Chief Medical Information Officer at Microsoft, Director Business Strategy. “Patients and healthcare professionals deserve the best innovations that will contribute to better outcomes and healthier lives.”
NetSfere is available on mobile, desktop, browsers and operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows and Mac. The technology enables more than 500 million global subscribers and over one trillion messages per year. For more information on NetSfere, visit
About NetSfere
NetSfere is a secure enterprise messaging service and platform from Infinite Convergence Solutions, Inc. NetSfere provides industry-leading security and message delivery capabilities, including global cloud-based service availability, device-to-device encryption, location-based features, and administrative controls. The service is also offered in partnership with Deutsche Telekom GmbH, one of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies, and with NTT Ltd., a global information communications & technology service provider, to jointly offer NetSfere to its worldwide customers. The service leverages Infinite Convergence's experience in delivering mobility solutions to tier 1 mobile operators globally and technology that supports more than 500 million subscribers and over a trillion messages annually. NetSfere is also compliant with global regulatory requirements, including GDPR, HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, ISO 27001, and others. Infinite Convergence Solutions has offices in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, India and Singapore. For more information, visit
Media Contact
Erica Torres
Uproar PR for NetSfere
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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