G7: MERMEC urges EU to prioritise the ERTMS railway signalling system
Vito Pertosa, the President of MERMEC and Angel Holding
MILAN, July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- During the G7 Trade Ministers’ Meeting taking place in Reggio Calabria, the President of the MERMEC Group and Angel Holding, Vito Pertosa, urged future leaders of the European Union to promote the ERTMS railway signalling system, in the context of green transport.
“I would like to pose a question to the European Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis and at the same time express my hope,” said the President of the MERMEC Group and Angel Holding, Vito Pertosa, speaking today at the G7 Industry Stakeholders Conference in Reggio Calabria, an official side event to the G7 Trade Ministers’ Meeting. “The European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS),” he continued, “which is no longer just a European but an international standard, is still struggling to spread widely, despite having achieved all the goals hoped for at this time: environmental sustainability, because it is green; social sustainability, because it brings people and goods closer together and costs less for those lagging behind in technology, and because there is less excavation work and faster implementation. It also increases GDP by focusing on infrastructure. It increases the frequency of trains on the same route with total safety, elevates the technological level and significantly simplifies the transit of trains between countries.” “We therefore hope that the centrality of this programme will be reaffirmed in the inaugural speech of the future President of the European Commission,” concluded Pertosa.
In response, European Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis stated: “Interesting observation by President Pertosa, which I will bring to the attention of the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG Move).”
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
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