FDH Aero and AC Tasarim Global Distributorship Agreement
FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - AC Tasarim, a leading manufacturer of high-quality copper braid solutions, and FDH Electronics, a division of FDH Aero, a renowned global provider of supply chain solutions for the aerospace and defense industry, are pleased to announce a strategic partnership. This agreement aims to enhance the availability and distribution of top-tier copper braid products to the global aerospace and defense market.
The strategic partnership between AC Tasarim and FDH Aero is set to leverage the strengths of both companies, providing customers with unparalleled access to high-quality copper braid products. This collaboration will not only expand the product offerings of FDH Aero but also enhance the market presence of AC Tasarim, driving growth and innovation in the industry. FDH Aero will now offer AC Tasarim's AA-59569-D Type USA Federal Specification Copper Braids and VG 96936-10:2007-10, JOSCAR accredited, and NATO-NSN coded braid products to its global network of customers.
“This partnership with AC Tasarim aligns perfectly with our mission to simplify the supply chain and provide our customers with the highest quality products. We look forward to a successful collaboration that will deliver significant benefits to our customers,” said Mitch Enright - President, FDH Electronics.
“We are thrilled to partner with FDH Aero, a leader in the distribution of aerospace and defense products. This agreement marks a significant milestone for AC Tasarim as we continue to expand our global footprint and bring our premium copper braid solutions to a wider audience.” – Arda Ongoren, Managing Partner, AC Tasarim.
About FDH Aero
FDH Aero is a trusted global supply chain solutions partner for aerospace and defense companies, helping to shape the industry by simplifying the supply chain. With over 60 years of experience, it specializes in hardware, electrical, chemical, and consumable products and value-add services for global OEM and aftermarket customers. FDH is headquartered in Commerce, California, and has operations across the Americas, EMEA and APAC. FDH Aero has locations in 14 countries across the globe, with more than 1,500 best-in-industry employees and over 650,000 square feet of inventory space.
For more information, please visit www.fdhaero.com.
About AC Tasarim
AC Tasarim was established in 2003 and manufactures Flexible EMI Cable Shieldings - EMI Copper Braids, Polyester Braids, Meta-Aramid Braids - Nomex Cable Sleeves, Flat Braided Copper Bus Bars/Earth Braids, all kinds of AA59569 coded Copper Braids and EMI Cable Shielding with Metal Conduits. All manufactured Copper Braids have Military Standard approval.
AC Tasarim manufactures products with substantial certificates including AS/EN9100, VDE/VG Certificate and BUNDESWEHR Certificate and also our products have NATO NSN Codification. Additional information is available at www.actasarim.com.tr/
Heather Rosenow
Vice President, Global Marketing & Communications
An image accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/1a331dfc-95ed-448e-bf38-64963d2e7756
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