Asahi Kasei Selects PolymRize™ to Advance Polymer Informatics for Sustainable Innovation
ATLANTA, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Matmerize, Inc., a leading polymer informatics and materials AI startup, is excited to announce its engagement with Asahi Kasei, a diversified Japanese multinational company. Asahi Kasei operates across three sectors: Material, Homes, and Health Care, with a strong focus on sustainability initiatives and a goal of achieving a carbon-neutral society by 2050.
Asahi Kasei aims to leverage Matmerize's advanced AI algorithms and machine learning capabilities to accelerate the research and development of sustainable polymer formulations. Asahi Kasei's Material sector, comprising Environmental Solutions, Mobility & Industrial, and Life Innovation, includes a wide array of products from battery separators, electronics, biodegradable textiles, engineering plastics, and sound solutions.
The Asahi Kasei team is using Matmerize's flagship software, PolymRize, to enhance their ability to drive advancements in material discovery and optimization, which is crucial for applications in electronics, packaging, and sustainable materials.
PolymRize harnesses Matmerize's vast database or uses client-proprietary data in a secure manner to construct predictive models that assist in new polymer discovery and design, and rapidly predict the properties of novel, yet-to-be-synthesized polymers, composites, and formulations. By employing automated analytic and generative AI tools, PolymRize significantly accelerates R&D for target materials, reducing both time and costs. It also introduces a robust framework for data management and organization.
Learn more about PolymRize:
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.
This collaboration is expected to play a significant role in achieving Asahi Kasei’s sustainability and carbon-neutral goals by enabling the development of polymers with enhanced ionic conductivity and attractive optical and dielectric properties, crucial for applications in fuel cells, batteries, dielectrics, electronic and electrochemical devices.
About Matmerize
Matmerize integrates polymer domain knowledge with advanced AI to transform and accelerate materials development at scale. Their mission is to revolutionize the materials R&D environment by offering AI software for the cost-effective and rapid design of functional and sustainable polymer formulations. For more information on this collaboration and how PolymRize is impacting materials development, please contact Matmerize at
About Asahi Kasei
The Asahi Kasei Group contributes to life and living for people around the world. Since its foundation in 1922 with ammonia and cellulose fiber business, Asahi Kasei has consistently grown through the proactive transformation of its business portfolio to meet the evolving needs of every age. With more than 49,000 employees worldwide, the company contributes to sustainable society by providing solutions to the world’s challenges through its three business sectors of Material, Homes, and Health Care. For more information, visit
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