Iveco Group 2024 Second Quarter Results
The following is an extract from the “Iveco Group 2024 Second Quarter Results” press release(*). The complete press release can be accessed by visiting the media section of the Iveco Group corporate website: or consulting the accompanying PDF:
Iveco Group consolidated revenues of €3.9 billion (€4.1 billion in Q2 2023)
and adjusted EBIT of €295 million (€311 million in Q2 2023) with an
adjusted EBIT margin of 7.5% (in line with Q2 2023).
Adjusted net income of €182 million (up €15 million compared to Q2 2023)
and adjusted diluted earnings per share of €0.63 (up €0.02).
Negative free cash flow of Industrial Activities of €98 million.
Consolidated revenues of €3,919 million, down 5.0% vs Q2 2023. Net revenues of Industrial Activities of €3,819 million, down 5.8%, due to lower volumes mainly in Europe, negative mix and an adverse foreign exchange impact compared to the same period last year, partially offset by a positive price realisation.
Adjusted EBIT of €295 million (€16 million decrease compared to Q2 2023) with a 7.5% margin (in line with Q2 2023). Adjusted EBIT of Industrial Activities of €264 million (€12 million decrease vs Q2 2023) and margin at 6.9% (up 10 bps compared to Q2 2023), due to a continuously positive price realisation offset mainly by lower volumes and an adverse foreign exchange impact.
Adjusted net income of €182 million (€15 million increase compared to Q2 2023). Adjusted diluted earnings per share of €0.63 (up €0.02 compared to Q2 2023).
Financial expenses of €49 million (vs €82 million in Q2 2023), decreasing year over year mainly due to a more contained cost of hedge impact in Argentina, resulting from the implemented hedging strategy, and an improvement in the Argentinian hyperinflation accounting impact.
Reported income tax expense of €63 million, with an adjusted Effective Tax Rate (adjusted ETR) of 26% in Q2 2024 (27% in H1 2024). The adjusted ETR reflects the different tax rates applied in the jurisdictions where the Group operates and some other discrete items.
Free cash flow of Industrial Activities negative at €98 million (vs positive €135 million in Q2 2023) primarily due to a temporary one-off adverse impact linked to extra effort to secure quality and readiness of the launch of Model Year 2024.
Available liquidity at €4,177 million as of 30th June 2024, down €508 million from 31st March 2024, including €1,900 million of undrawn committed facilities.
(*) 2024 financial data shown refers to Continuing Operations only, unless otherwise stated. Continuing Operations exclude the Fire Fighting business which, following the already announced signing of a definitive agreement for the transfer of its ownership, has been classified as Discontinued Operations. 2023 comparative figures have been recast consistently.
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