The World's First International Drone Competition: Khanh Hoa Province Set Historic Guinness Rec
NHA TRANG, Vietnam, Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Ever Glamour Nha Trang (EGN) 2024 festival concluded on August 3 with a dazzling display of drone light performances. After two nights of competition, the UAE team was announced as the champion, while the Korean, French, and Chinese teams won the awards for Best Technical Performance, Best Image, and Best Story, respectively.
The UAE team, nicknamed “Light Wizards,” combined the ultra-lightweight and superlight drones with pyrotechnics and in-depth local cultural understanding to highlight Vietnamese rich history and culture, from the Dong Son bronze drum to the symbolic Lac Bird, lotus flower, as well as the vibrancy of Nha Trang.
Meanwhile, the French team, nicknamed the “Sky Artists,” used 1,000 drones combined with fire magic performances. Audiences were taken on a journey back to the past, from the wonders of ancient civilizations such as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Acropolis of Athens… and the world-famous Ha Long Bay of Vietnam.
The image of the Vietnamese Lac Bird in a drone light performance at EGN 2024
Previously, on the opening night (July 13), the Korean and Chinese teams ignited the stage with their groundbreaking performances. Dubbed the “King of Pyrodrone,” the Korean team brought the first-ever drone performance with silent fireworks in Southeast Asia. Continuous image transitions and traditional music made it a cinematic viewing experience for the audience. Meanwhile, the Chinese team brought stunning visuals and popular Vietnamese songs to illustrate Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa as a harmonious blend of heritage, modernity, and the aspiration for growth.
The closing event welcomed nationally well-loved artists such as Duc Phuc, SOOBIN, Van Mai Huong, Hien VK, and Dung Azu. That same evening, Khanh Hoa made history as the first locality in the country to receive two prestigious Guinness World Records: “The World's Biggest Light Show of Wonders” and “The World's Biggest Light Show of Vietnamese Cultural Symbols - Lac Bird.” Besides contributing to increasing the number of Guinness records in Vietnam, Khanh Hoa also proved its name as one of the most beautiful bays in the world and the premier destination for light shows using unmanned aerial devices.
EGN 2024 attracted more than 50 million live views on media channels and more than 5 million interactions on social media, spreading the Khanh Hoa image to domestic and international tourists.
The event is directed by the Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee, organized by the Khanh Hoa Department of Tourism and Corex Business Solutions, and endorsed by renowned global and domestic brands such as Vinpearl, VinWonders, Heineken, Agribank, VCN, Chicilon Media, and Shojiki.
According to the local Department of Tourism's estimate, in July 2024, Khanh Hoa welcomed 1,550,000 overnight guests, an increase of 24% over the same period in 2023. This year, it set the goal of 9 million overnight guests, including 3 million international visitors, and about 40,000 billion VND in tourism revenue. Large-scale events will be organized to promote tourism growth, enhance the province's brand image, and attract investment.
About Khanh Hoa Province
Nestled along the South Central Coast of Vietnam, Khanh Hoa has a coastline stretching nearly 400 kilometers, with over 1,000 tourism accommodations across the province. Venturing into the city of Nha Trang, the heart of Khanh Hoa province, visitors are greeted by many high-quality tourism products, a tantalizing array of culinary delights, and a treasure trove of historical sites and renowned landmarks.
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