Revolutionary Swiss Precision Sprayer Joins RDO Equipment Co.'s Product Lineup
AI-Powered ARA Field Sprayer to Deliver Unparalleled Precision for Vegetable Farmers, Available Nationwide at Select RDO Locations
SALINAS, Calif., Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Ecorobotix, a company specializing in AI-driven agricultural technology, has formed a dealer partnership with RDO Equipment Co., marking a major expansion into the U.S. market. Through this collaboration, Ecorobotix’s innovative ARA ultra-high-precision sprayer will be available at select RDO locations.
ARA is a cutting-edge AI-solution that ensures the precise application of phytosanitary products with an exceptional 2.4x2.4-sq-inch spray footprint. This technology reduces chemical use by up to 95%, decreasing crop phytotoxicity and safeguarding soil health. ARA reduces the need for manual weeding and offers a cost-effective, high-tech alternative that can decrease input expenses while increasing yields. Versatility is at its core. Its advanced algorithms are tailored for vegetables like carrots, lettuce, and onions, and can be adapted for numerous other crops.
With 80 locations across the U.S. and a robust global network, RDO will support growers as they embrace this ultra-precise spraying solution.
“We first learned about Ecorobotix’s innovative ARA sprayer while working with a vegetable grower on ways to optimize their operation,” said Brady Kiesz, RDO Product Specialist Manager in the Pacific Northwest. “All of us at RDO are thrilled to offer this intelligent spraying solution plus our service and support so growers can effectively integrate the advanced sprayer to save on labor or input costs.”
Ecorobotix Inc. has rapidly advanced in the North American market through strategic partnerships with key dealers, broadening the availability of ARA nationwide.
Ecorobotix Inc.
Ecorobotix Inc., established in 2023 and based in the US, brings the cutting-edge agricultural solutions of its Swiss parent company to the American market. Revolutionizing farming, Ecorobotix focuses on reducing chemical and energy use while minimizing soil impact. The ARA smart sprayer, featuring AI-Plant-by-Plant™ software and UHP-Spray-Technology™, ensures precise crop treatment. This technology decreases inputs and CO2 emissions while enhancing crop yields.
RDO Equipment Co.
Founded in 1968, RDO Equipment Co. sells and supports intelligently connected agriculture, construction, environmental, irrigation, positioning, and surveying equipment from leading manufacturers, including John Deere, Vermeer, and Topcon. With more than 80 locations across the U.S. and partnerships in Africa, Australia, Mexico and Ukraine, RDO delivers creative solutions so their customers can grow and build the world.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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