Guidepoint Appoints Chris Bonsi as Head of North Asia
NEW YORK, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guidepoint, a leading global information service company, has appointed Mr. Chris Bonsi as Head of North Asia. With over 25 years of accomplished leadership in commercial and operational functions across APAC and the US, Chris brings to the role a wealth of experience driving and implementing growth strategies across Asia.
Chris will be based in Guidepoint’s Tokyo office, where his strategic guidance will further fortify Guidepoint’s commitment in the region: to deliver exceptional client service and empower strategic decision-making for their clients.
“I’m thrilled to embark on this critical role while working alongside Guidepoint’s distinguished executive team. I’m eager to drive strategic advancements throughout the region and elevate our clients’ research experience to the next level,” said Chris.
Chris was most recently Chief Client Officer at Ipsos, a global leader in market research, where he led cross-functional teams to support several of the leading technology clients by introducing new innovations and solutions for their information and decision making needs. Prior to that, Chris worked at Kantar for more than 14 years in various regional and country leadership roles in Singapore, Japan, and Greater China. Chris graduated from Stanford University with a bachelor’s degree in International Relations.
“Our team is pleased to welcome Chris onboard. His remarkable background and valuable expertise will undoubtedly add tremendous value as we continue to expand our presence in Asia Pacific, a key growth market for Guidepoint. We eagerly look forward to the impact Chris will bring,” stated Jon Adkins, Guidepoint’s Director and Head of International.
About Guidepoint
Guidepoint is a leading research enablement platform designed to accelerate understanding and empower decision‑making through real-time access to data and hard-to-source knowledge. Backed by the world’s largest network of expertise, the company provides critical context and dimension on any topic, helping top companies, investors, and consulting firms to rapidly turn answers into action.
For more information, visit
SOURCE Guidepoint
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