Ryan Reynolds will be Keynote Speaker at Meltwater Summit 2024
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Meltwater, a global leader in media, social and consumer intelligence, today announces Ryan Reynolds – actor, producer and entrepreneur – as the keynote speaker at Meltwater Summit 2024, which will be held June 25-26 in New York City.
Reynolds will bring his perspective, not just as one of Hollywood’s most influential leading men, but also as an award-winning marketer, creating breakthrough campaigns for his portfolio of companies which includes owner of Aviation Gin, Mint Mobile, Wrexham Football Club, ad-tech platform MNTN and Maximum Effort Productions. He has been recognized as one of the most creative people in business by Fast Company, The Hollywood Reporter, Wall Street Journal and AdWeek among others – and, no doubt, will inspire and upskill marketers and communicators at Meltwater Summit who are looking to drive impact.
Following a banner year in 2023, Meltwater Summit is back in New York city with an opportunity for professionals to hear from industry experts and top brands and future-proof their approach to the ever-evolving landscape of PR, marketing, and communications. Meltwater Summit is where creativity and innovation intersect, all with the goal of empowering attendees to capitalize on industry-shaping trends, connect with consumers, leverage the latest developments in marketing technology, and make lasting industry connections.
In addition to Reynolds, the Meltwater Summit will welcome more than 30 industry thought-leaders and brands to discuss a variety of topics impacting marketing and communications professionals today, including executive thought leadership, influencer relationships, social listening, measurement, purpose-driven communication and more.
Featured speakers at Meltwater Summit 2024 include:
- Elena Franceschini, Head of Consumer Insights, Pernod Ricard
- Steve Clayton, VP of Communications Strategy, Microsoft
- Rebecca Hinds, Head of The Work Innovation Lab, Asana
- Justin Nicolette, Head of Sports and Entertainment Communications, Ally
- John Box, CEO, Meltwater
- Aditya Jami, CTO, Meltwater
“We are really pleased to be able to welcome Ryan Reynolds to the Meltwater Summit stage this year,” said Jenny Force, VP of Corporate Marketing at Meltwater. “In a landscape where brands are fighting for airtime, his viral campaigns and innovative marketing strategies have catapulted his companies to success. We can’t wait to have him impart valuable insights with attendees of Summit who want to take their marketing efforts to the next level.”
Learn more about the Meltwater Summit and register here: www.meltwater.com/summit
For more information, please contact:
Kelly Costello
Corporate Communications Director
About Meltwater
Meltwater empowers companies with a suite of solutions that spans media, social, consumer and sales intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content each day and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner of choice for global brands making an impact. Learn more at meltwater.com
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