In a First for Pharma, Citeline SmartSolutions Take AI to New Levels, Optimizing Clinical Trial Plan
Protocol SmartDesign and Investigator SmartSelect bring treatments to patients faster by accelerating clinical trial development
NEW YORK, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Citeline, a leader in intelligence solutions for the life sciences industry, has launched two new products — Protocol SmartDesign and Investigator SmartSelect — in its Citeline SmartSolutions suite accelerating the path from pipeline to patient. Citeline SmartSolutions, an industry first, enables users to design and conduct more predictable trials by connecting the robust data assets already trusted by over 3,000 Citeline customers.
Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) advanced machine learning and large language models, Protocol SmartDesign harnesses the power of Citeline’s Trialtrove and Sitetrove solutions. Combining this industry-leading data with real-world and proprietary performance data assets, Protocol SmartDesign helps the life sciences industry build and deliver more predictable clinical trials and accelerate clinical development.
Researchers can:
- Rely on trial, site, investigator, diversity and real-world data (RWD) to make decisions
- Receive recommendations on primary endpoints and inclusion/exclusion (I/E) criteria
- Forecast enrollment rates by country and trial duration by leveraging historical and performance data
- Reduce the likelihood of costly protocol amendments
- Streamline communication with a centralized platform where teams can review, refine and finalize the protocol, all in one place
Based on 20 years of experience as the leading source of business intelligence for clinical trial investigator selection, Investigator SmartSelect revolutionizes the process of country and investigator selection.
Researchers can:
- Generate a pool of protocol-specific investigators in minutes (compared to the traditional process that can take four to six weeks)
- Identify, via a proprietary algorithm, the optimal countries, site allocations and the best investigators to deliver a clinical trial on time
- Leverage a unified user experience and workflow in the integrated Citeline suite (Sitetrove and Trialtrove) to further optimize feasibility and decision-making in the planning stages
Both Protocol SmartDesign and Investigator SmartSelect help study sponsors reduce costly protocol amendments and increase predictability in clinical trial planning. According to a survey conducted by the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (Tufts CSDD), protocol amendments cost an average of $141,000 each for Phase II trials and $535,000 each for Phase III trials. A separate Tufts CSDD study revealed that protocols with at least one amendment took much longer overall and at each clinical trial segment.
“These solutions not only produce significant savings for medical, clinical operations and feasibility teams in terms of both time and cost, they ease the burden on study teams and site staff,” said Maureen Ladouceur, RN, president of Norstella, Citeline’s parent company. “As a clinician, this personally means a lot to me.”
Citeline’s full array of complementary solutions and services guides sponsors not only in the planning stages but throughout the entire drug development lifecycle. For example, launched earlier this year, Global Patient Insights provides an unsurpassed view of the worldwide patient landscape, including diversity demographics, and Citeline PatientMatch brings the process full circle by pinpointing potential matches with identified investigators.
“By helping sponsors reduce time to market,” said Norstella CEO Mike Gallup, “we’re reinforcing Norstella’s mission of smoothing the path to life-saving therapies for patients and providers — and, ultimately, driving better outcomes."
To learn more about Citeline SmartSolutions, visit
About Citeline
Citeline, a Norstella company, powers a full suite of complementary business intelligence offerings to meet the evolving needs of life science professionals to accelerate the connection of treatments to patients and patients to treatments. These patient-focused solutions and services deliver and analyze data used to drive clinical, commercial and regulatory-related decisions and create real-world opportunities for growth.
Citeline’s global teams of analysts, journalists and consultants keep their fingers on the pulse of the pharmaceutical, biomedical and medtech industries, covering it all with expert insights: key diseases, clinical trials, drug R&D and approvals, market forecasts and more. For more information on one of the world’s most trusted health science partners, visit Citeline and follow on LinkedIn and X.
Citeline PR contact:
Diffusion PR for Citeline
(213) 318-4500
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