KFSHRC Showcases Medical Education Innovations at AMEE 2024 Switzerland
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSHRC) is further expanding its global footprint by participating in the 2024 International Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Conference for the second consecutive year. Taking place from August 26 to 28 in Basel, Switzerland, this event brings together global leaders in medical education and healthcare.
This year, KFSHRC's focus is on refining clinical practices, improving patient outcomes, and enhancing learner satisfaction and safety. By sharing its knowledge, KFSHRC aims to contribute to medical education's global advancement, benefiting not only trainees and patients but also healthcare communities worldwide.
KFSHRC will highlight its success in leveraging cutting-edge technologies in medical education, such as virtual simulations and interactive learning platforms, which have significantly enhanced trainees' clinical decision-making skills. These innovations have led to notable improvements in clinical training quality, better patient safety protocols, and the development of highly competent healthcare professionals prepared to meet the sector's evolving demands globally.
Dr. Esam Albanyan, Chief of Education and Training officer at KFSHRC, emphasized that the hospital's participation aligns with its strategic goals to become a global leader in medical education and patient care. He highlighted that attending AMEE 2024 facilitates forging new knowledge partnerships and exchanging expertise with international institutions to foster medical competencies that address future healthcare challenges and drive excellence in patient outcomes and safety.
Dr. Ali AlShehri, Deputy Executive Director of Academic and Training Affairs, elaborated on KFSHRC's contributions to the conference, which include presenting advanced programs integrating technology into medical education, such as simulation and innovations in clinical training. KFSHRC will also share its successful experiences in curriculum development, adopting modern educational methods, and tackling global challenges in medical education with a focus on improving patient care.
KFSHRC's Education and Training Office has been instrumental in developing comprehensive training curricula, utilizing simulation technology for practical skills, and fostering modern training methods that actively involve trainees in decision-making. The department's efforts have enhanced patient care quality and safety while also fostering a culture of research excellence, resulting in numerous scientific publications.
KFSHRC's participation in AMEE 2024 underscores its commitment to advancing medical education, improving healthcare outcomes, and patient safety through innovation and collaboration. Its continued recognition as the leading academic medical center in the Middle East and Africa, along with top global rankings, reflects its unwavering dedication to excellence in both education and healthcare.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Essam AlZahrani, Acting Director of Media Affairs, 0555254429
Mr. Abdullah Alown, Director of Media Coordination, 0556294232
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/1073be12-85b7-44e1-b619-37b9421b2fc3
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