Underage Gamblers Beware: Regulated Online Casinos to Forfeit Winnings and Adopt Biometric Age Verif
WATERFORD, Ireland, Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - In a bid to double down on underage gambling, regulated online casinos globally will forfeit the winnings of those found to be under the legal age. As the gambling industry draws a firm line against illegal play, it is also adopting cutting-edge biometric facial age verification technology to help fortify its platforms.
Global casino information resource portal, Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) – a division of the OneTwenty Group – said these initiatives underscored how seriously the industry viewed this. Already in the United States, five New Jersey casinos and a horse racing track have forfeited $77,000 won by minors.
“Online casinos are stepping up its game and this no-nonsense approach serves as a deterrent, reinforcing that underage gambling does not pay - literally. We are sending a strong warning to kids to stay off gambling sites. The forfeited winnings will be redirected to relevant government authorities, where it will support programs like the treatment of compulsive gambling,” said Miranda Raaff, Head of iGaming Information at MDC.
“In addition, the adoption of age verification tools marks a significant leap forward in our ongoing mission. By integrating these advanced tools, the industry is not just keeping pace with the digital age, it's setting a new benchmark for player protection.”
Governments like Germany and Argentina are on board and have endorsed these verification tools for online sites. Australia is also hot on the heels of this, while the UK is considering it.
“As this trend gains momentum, it's expected that more online casinos and countries will follow suit. In a world where digital access is at every teenager's fingertips, the fight against underage gambling is more crucial than ever,” said Raaff.
“The industry remains resolute in its mission to safeguard minors. Through collaboration and a shared commitment to responsible gambling, we are making significant strides and will continue to advocate for a safer gambling environment worldwide.”
About MDC
Minimum Deposit Casinos – a division of the OneTwenty Group - is a leading global casino information resource portal that reviews and recommends only the most trusted and reliable regulated online casinos to players. It does this by vetting casinos through safety and security checks, confirming valid gaming licenses and responsible gambling tools, as well as fair gaming practices.
Contact Information: miranda@onetwentygroup.com
Website: www.minimumdepositcasinos.org
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