IZEA Report Finds 85% of China Consumers Have Purchased Products After Seeing Influencers Use Them
80% of China-Based Consumers Say They Prefer Influencer Content Over Traditional Ads
ORLANDO, Fla., Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), the premier provider of technology, data, and services for the Creator Economy, released the 2024 China edition of its research report, “Trust in Influencer Marketing,” today. The report is based on Chinese consumer sentiment and examines the effectiveness of influencer marketing in terms of consumer trust and engagement.
The survey found that social shopping is far more accepted in China than in the United States. 92% of all respondents aged 18 to 60+ have made purchases through a social media platform's shopping feature, and 18-to-29-year-olds in China are five times more likely to have purchased a product directly through a social media platform's shopping feature multiple times compared to those in the United States.
“Our research from the China edition of the ‘Trust in Influencer Marketing' report highlights the strength and efficacy of influencer marketing in China,” stated Ted Murphy, CEO and founder of IZEA. “A remarkable 85% of Chinese consumers have been influenced to make purchases by influencer content, demonstrating the trust and interaction these influencers generate. The inclination toward influencer content as opposed to traditional ads is also noticeably higher in China, with 80% of consumers expressing this preference. The growing popularity of social shopping and AI influencers among Chinese consumers is especially significant. These insights depict a changing consumer behavior and underscore the significance of utilizing influencer marketing in the current digital era.”
Key Insights for Influencers and Consumers
- 49% of respondents are more likely to trust an influencer's sponsored post over one from an A-list celebrity.
- 85% of all respondents have purchased products after seeing them being used by influencers.
- 92% of all respondents have purchased a product through a social media platform's shopping feature.
Key Insights for Marketers
- 80% of social media users prefer content created by social media influencers over marketing professionals.
- Influencer posts are the most likely to inspire consumers to try a new product for ages 18-60+.
- All respondents, ages 18 to 60+ stated they are more likely to turn to social media rather than family and friends for product recommendations.
Insights for Social Media Audiences
- Among users aged 18 to 60+, Douyin is considered the best platform for influencer content.
- 80% of 18-to-29-year-olds follow an AI influencer, and 71% of social media users in China follow AI influencers, vs. 26% for the United States.
- 94% of all respondents regularly use WeChat, making it the most widely used platform across demographics.
- 18-to-29-year-olds in China spend an average of 7 hours a day on social media.
Results from the study are based on the responses from 1,005 social media users in China over the age of 18. The report is part of an ongoing series of research studies focusing on influencers' key roles in influencing consumer behaviors and trends.
The report is available to download for free here: Trust in Influencer Marketing, China Edition.
To work with IZEA as either an influencer or a marketer, visit izea.com. For news and resources, follow IZEA at x.com/izea.
About IZEA Worldwide, Inc.
IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (“IZEA”) is a marketing technology company providing software and professional services that enable brands to collaborate and transact with the full spectrum of today's top social influencers and content creators. The company serves as a champion for the growing Creator Economy, enabling individuals to monetize their content, creativity, and influence. IZEA launched the industry's first-ever influencer marketing platform in 2006 and has since facilitated nearly 4 million transactions between online buyers and sellers. Leading brands and agencies partner with IZEA to increase digital engagement, diversify brand voice, scale content production, and drive a measurable return on investment.
Nicole O'Hara
IZEA Worldwide, Inc.
Phone: 407-674-6911
Email: pr@izea.com
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