Pirelli Elect: More Than 500 Homologations for Technology Dedicated to Electric and Plug-In Hybrid C
- Provides up to 50 kilometres of additional range compared to traditional tyres, with savings of up to 150 euros per year
- Chosen as original equipment by seven out of 10 premium and prestige car manufacturers
- Available for all Pirelli product families and seasons
MILAN, Italy, Aug. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pirelli has obtained over 500 homologations for its Elect tyres since their launch in 2019. These tyres include a package of technologies that enhance the specific characteristics of electric and plug-in hybrid cars. This milestone confirms the company's leadership in the EV segment, with seven out of 10 premium and prestige car manufacturers choosing Pirelli tyres developed for BEVs and PHEVs1.
"Electric cars are very different from traditional internal combustion vehicles, so require specific tyres. The number of homologations obtained from major manufacturers confirms the validity of the path we have chosen to follow, which is to offer technology that can be adapted to vehicles, tyres, and seasons," said Piero Misani, Chief Technical Officer of Pirelli. "The most modern development tools, such as virtualization and artificial intelligence, allow us to design products that are increasingly in line with the technical and performance requirements of EVs."
There are several advantages for drivers who use Pirelli Elect tyres, starting with battery range. Thanks to their low rolling resistance, these tyres can provide up to 50 kilometres of extra range2, resulting in savings of up to 150 euros per year on charging costs3. In addition, Pirelli Elect tyres benefit from increased grip, thanks to innovative compounds, to manage the high torque of electric motors, as well as reinforced structures to cope with the weight of EVs. These two elements contribute to reducing tyre wear by up to 20%4. Elect technology also offers superior acoustic comfort of up to 20%5 inside the car, enhancing the feeling of silence that comes from not having an internal combustion engine.
Pirelli Elect technology, which made its debut with the first-generation P Zero for the Porsche Taycan, is now integrated into an increasing number of Pirelli's main product families. The P Zero family –most frequently chosen by premium and prestige car manufacturers for their sportier models – combines high performance with the comfort and efficiency required by BEVs and PHEVs. It comes in the greatest number of sizes with this technology (over 30%) and is followed by the Scorpion range, dedicated to SUVs, as well as the Cinturato range, dedicated to sedans and CUVs. Pirelli Elect is also available in an increasing percentage of winter tyres (22%) and all-season (17%) tyres, bringing noise reduction and rolling resistance benefits even with heavily treaded tyres that offer greater versatility and safety at lower temperatures.
1. Premium & Prestige Car makers where Pirelli is supplying or has already achieved technical homologation.
2. Comparison between PIRELLI SCORPION™ ELECT™ and PIRELLI SCORPION™ tyres, size 235/60/R18, measuring battery range gain derived from a reduction in rolling resistance in the ELECT™ version. Testing was conducted on a Volkswagen iD4 under instrumented conditions at a constant speed of 50 km/h over a range of 550 km. Source: Internal Pirelli R&D tests conducted between March and June 2022.
3. Calculation conducted on consumption indicators for VW ID4, considering the average fast/standard charging cost in 2023 in EU countries and an average annual distance travelled of 15,000 km/year. Cost savings may vary depending on driving habits and the specific vehicle.
4. Comparison between PIRELLI SCORPION™ ZERO ALL SEASON +3 ELECT™ and PIRELLI SCORPION™ ZERO ALL SEASON +3 tyres on size 255/45R20. Source: Texas Test Fleet test carried out in January 2024 on a Toyota Tacoma; wear rate measured in mm/10,000 km.
5. Comparison between PIRELLI SCORPION™ ELECT™ and PIRELLI SCORPION™ tyres on size 255/50R20. Source: Pirelli R&D internal tests carried out in November 2022 on an Audi e-Tron. In cabin noise has been measured at different speed - 40-60-80-110 Km/h - and on different types of surfaces (smooth / rough asphalt). In all eight combinations (speed/asphalt) ELECT™ tyres resulted in less perceived internal noise, on average by around -0.6DB and up to -0.8DB.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
Pirelli Press Office
pressoffice@pirelli.com – www.pirelli.com
A video accompanying this announcement is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/be44e70f-6de6-436b-a92b-bd63a83119fc
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