Varian Launches HyperSight™ for TrueBeam in Asia Pacific: Boosting Accuracy and Efficiency in Radiot
Palo Alto, California, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
- HyperSight extension to TrueBeam and Edge offers one of the most advanced in-room imaging systems in Asia Pacific region
- HyperSight improves adaptive planning capabilities across Varian treatment platforms
- HyperSight offers clinicians greater flexibility to streamline workflows and personalize care for patients
Varian, a Siemens Healthineers company, today announced the launch of HyperSight™ imaging solution for its TrueBeam and Edge systems across the Asia Pacific region (excluding China). This upgrade gives clinicians unparalleled image quality, enhancing their ability to deliver precise and efficient radiation therapy treatments. HyperSight optimizes workflows across Varian’s entire suite of linear accelerators, enabling more tailored treatment for each patient.
HyperSight acquires high-quality images and offers an extended field of view during a patient's daily radiation treatments, which is particularly beneficial for treating large cancers. This facilitates accurate tumor volume targeting, reduces target volume margins, and preserves healthy tissue. It provides Hounsfield Unit (HU) accuracy needed for treatment planning directly on the acquired conebeam CT (CBCT) images, allowing clinicians to calculate changes in tumors and surrounding organs with greater precision, helping to adjust treatments more effectively. This eliminates the need for separate CT scans, potentially avoiding extensions to a patient’s hospital stay. HyperSight is designed for all anatomical sites and has a 50% faster gantry rotation compared to traditional CBCT scans, which can take up to 60 seconds. For existing TrueBeam and Edge users, the upgrade seamlessly integrates with their systems, reducing motion-related artifacts due to patient movement and minimizing discomfort from prolonged treatment times.
The Asia Pacific region is facing a growing radiotherapy demand, with clinicians burdened by increased patient volumes and limited access to advanced technologies1. Varian is committed to supporting healthcare providers with an innovative portfolio of radiotherapy solutions, including HyperSight, and is working with regulators to review reimbursement models to support optimal patient care.
At the recent ESTRO meets Asia conference, Dr. Sujith Baliga, Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, shared his experience with the HyperSight upgrade to TrueBeam: “HyperSight has been instrumental in improving our workflow and boosting our confidence in imaging and treatment. Previously, we were limited in the precision and speed of imaging. Now, we can significantly reduce inefficiencies in our workflow and focus on enhancing patient comfort and delivering optimal care.”
"We are excited to introduce HyperSight imaging to our TrueBeam and Edge platform in the Asia Pacific region, marking a major step in advanced radiotherapy treatment," said Hideaki Mori, President of Varian APJ. "Guided by the evolving needs of radiation therapy based on current clinical trends, this innovation exemplifies our commitment to advancing clinical practice and providing high quality solutions for cancer patients everywhere. By combining advanced imaging with precise treatment delivery, we empower clinicians to deliver superior care."
The statement by Varian's customer described above is based on results achieved in the customer's unique clinical setting. Because there is no "typical" clinical setting and many variables exist, there is no guarantee that other customers will achieve the same results.
VARIAN, HYPERSIGHT, ETHOS, and HALCYON are trademarks of Varian Medical Systems, Inc., pending or registered U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
About Varian
At Varian, a Siemens Healthineers company, we envision a world without fear of cancer. For more than 75 years, Varian has developed, built, and delivered innovative technologies and solutions that help care providers around the globe treat millions of patients each year. Today, as a Siemens Healthineers company, we support every step of the cancer care journey – from screening to survivorship. From advanced imaging and radiation therapy to comprehensive software and services, to interventional radiology, we are harnessing the power of our perspective while also pursuing clinical research to create a more efficient, and more personalized care pathway. Because, for cancer patients everywhere, their fight is our fight. For more information, visit
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