KEENON Robotics Showcases Innovative Smart Service Solutions with Embodied Intelligence at 2024 Worl
BEIJING, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- KEENON Robotics presented its latest smart service solutions with embodied intelligence at the 2024 World Robot Conference, held at the Beijing Etrong International Exhibition and Convention Center, from 21-25 August 2024. This year's conference, themed "Foster New Quality Productive Forces, Innovations for an Intelligent Future," brought together leading experts, industry pioneers, and innovators to explore the latest advancements in robotics technology.
At the event, KEENON Robotics introduced its cutting-edge "Smart Hub" experience, providing an immersive showcase of the transformative potential of robotics across various industries, including hospitality, restaurant services, and healthcare.
The exhibit featured an impressive lineup of service robots, including the DINERBOT T10, T9, T8, BUTLERBOT W3, KLEENBOT C30, KEENON S100, Disinfection Robot M2, KEENON Healthcare X101 medical delivery robot, and more. This highlighted KEENON’s commitment to translating advanced robotics into practical applications that enhance operational efficiency and elevate customer experiences.
As KEENON’s Founder & CEO Tony Li remarked, "Robots open the door for AI to enter the physical world." This vision came to life at the booth, where service robots were seamlessly integrated into meticulously crafted scenarios. Visitors experienced a glimpse into a world where, after entering the gateway tunnel, intelligence is seamlessly woven into everyday life.
In addition to showcasing the innovative robot solutions, KEENON Robotics was honored with the "Top 20 Most Investable Robotics Companies in China" award at the Inaugural China Robotics Venture Capital Summit Forum during the same period. This recognition underscores the company’s role in driving technological innovation and highlights its promising market potential.
KEENON Robotics is at the forefront of integrating advanced AI models into service scenarios. The company’s general-purpose robots have seen significant improvements in environmental sensing, decision-making, and execution through multi-modal AI. By leveraging deep expertise in service environments, these robots are enhanced for greater intelligence and adaptability, enabling effective service across diverse sectors. This showcases the broad applicability and dedication to addressing a wide range of real-world needs.
At the conference, KEENON Robotics demonstrated its pivotal role in advancing the service robotics sector. By pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, KEENON is crafting intelligent solutions that enhance efficiency, convenience, and human-centered design. These innovations are set to transform commercial environments, deliver significant value to global clients, and introduce unparalleled convenience to everyday life, ensuring the widespread benefits of technology.
About KEENON Robotics
A global leader in commercial service robots and solutions, KEENON Robotics has been at the forefront of the advanced service robot market since 2010. Harnessing cutting-edge technologies in robotics and cloud computing, the company is trusted by businesses worldwide. KEENON Robotics is dedicated to creating value, fostering innovation, and contributing to industry growth across various sectors.
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