Nu:ionic Technologies and RW Energy Announce Strategic Alliance for Distributed Scale Hydrogen Produ
TULSA, Okla. and FRISCO, Texas, Aug. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Nu:ionic Technologies (USA), Inc. (“Nu:ionic”) and RW Energy announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to accelerate hydrogen production and advance carbon capture initiatives nationwide. The partnership aims to implement low-carbon energy solutions in multiple U.S. energy park locations.
RW Energy, an energy park development company, will lead and oversee project identification, facility design, business development and will provide expertise in sustainable and distributed capacity energy solutions.
Nu:ionic will supply modular, pre-engineered low-carbon hydrogen production equipment featuring the Nu-X Smart ReformerSM with integrated carbon capture. The Nu:ionic equipment produces high purity hydrogen and cryogenic liquid by-product carbon dioxide as industrial grade which can be readily transported for sequestration or utilization.
The strategic locations for the initial fleet of low-carbon hydrogen projects are slated for development in Northern California, the Gulf Coast of Texas and Ohio. These locations were selected based on factors including the existing infrastructure, market demand and regulatory environment. All sites will employ Nu:ionic’s Teal Hydrogen™ production equipment with capacities ranging from 1.2 to 6 tonnes/day. RW Energy estimates the projects will come online as early as the fourth quarter, 2025.
Nu:ionic’s Nu-X Smart Reformer is a compact, electrified natural gas or renewable raw biogas reformer that enables cost-effective production of low-carbon hydrogen at distributed capacities. The combination of low-cost natural gas with carbon capture, and the electrification of the combustion source results in a low-carbon hydrogen offering at a competitive market price.
Darin Knicely, CEO RW Energy said, “The use of Nu:ionic’s technology enables RW Energy to integrate renewable resources into methane-based hydrogen production and offers a cost-effective and near-term pathway to low carbon energy solutions.”
Jan Boshoff, CEO at Nu:ionic, commented, “Nu-X is available today, and our collaboration with RW Energy provides an opportunity to deliver Nu:ionic’s unique value proposition of low-carbon hydrogen solutions at truly distributed production capacity to multiple U.S. locations.”
About Nu:ionic Technologies
Nu:ionic Technologies is a developer of proprietary technology and equipment that enables process industry customers to realize net-zero goals through electrification. The company’s electrified methane reforming technology enables low-cost, low-carbon hydrogen production for zero emission transportation, biogas upgrading, natural gas and industrial process decarbonization. The Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada location is home to Nu:ionic’s Canadian headquarters and Research and Innovation Center. Its United States operation in Tulsa, Oklahoma provides sales, marketing, project execution and integrated product development support.
About RW Energy
RW Energy is a project developer specializing in energy parks that incorporate hydrogen and other energy sources within existing locations or new developments. The company’s cutting-edge solutions aim to reduce environmental impact and enhance energy efficiency for businesses and communities.
Media Contacts:
Nu:ionic Technologies | RW Energy |
Shawne Thiry | Marketing +1 539.549.1590 |
Felica Tison | Marketing +1 469.207.5622 |
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