Schneider Electric Collaborates with NVIDIA on Designs for AI Data Centers
• New reference designs will offer a robust framework for implementing NVIDIA’s accelerated computing platform within data centers;• Designs will optimize performance, scalability, and energy efficiency;
Schneider Electric, the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, today announced a collaboration with NVIDIA to optimize data center infrastructure and pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in edge artificial intelligence (AI) and digital twin technologies.
Schneider Electric will leverage its expertise in data center infrastructure and NVIDIA’s advanced AI technologies to introduce the first publicly available AI data center reference designs. These designs are set to redefine the benchmarks for AI deployment and operation within data center ecosystems, marking a significant milestone in the industry's evolution.
With AI applications gaining traction across industries, while also demanding more resources than traditional computing, the need for processing power has surged exponentially. The rise of AI has spurred notable transformations and complexities in data center design and operation, with data center operators working to swiftly construct and operate energy-stable facilities that are both energy-efficient and scalable.
“We're unlocking the future of AI for organizations,” said Pankaj Sharma, Executive Vice President, Secure Power Division & Data Center Business, Schneider Electric. “By combining our expertise in data center solutions with NVIDIA's leadership in AI technologies, we’re helping organizations to overcome data center infrastructure limitations and unlock the full potential of AI. Our collaboration with NVIDIA paves the way for a more efficient, sustainable, and transformative future, powered by AI.”
Cutting-Edge Data Center Reference Designs
In the first phase of this collaboration, Schneider Electric will introduce cutting-edge data center reference designs tailored for NVIDIA accelerated computing clusters and built for data processing, engineering simulation, electronic design automation, computer-aided drug design, and generative AI. Special focus will be on enabling high-power distribution, liquid-cooling systems, and controls designed to ensure simple commissioning and reliable operations for the extreme-density cluster. Through the collaboration, Schneider Electric aims to provide data center owners and operators with the tools and resources necessary to seamlessly integrate new and evolving AI solutions into their infrastructure, enhancing deployment efficiency, and ensuring reliable life-cycle operation.
Addressing the evolving demands of AI workloads, the reference designs will offer a robust framework for implementing NVIDIA’s accelerated computing platform within data centers, while optimizing performance, scalability, and overall sustainability. Partners, engineers, and data center leaders can utilize these reference designs for existing data center rooms that must support new deployments of high-density AI servers and new data center builds that are fully optimized for a liquid-cooled AI cluster.
“Through our collaboration with Schneider Electric, we’re providing AI data center reference designs using next-generation NVIDIA accelerated computing technologies,” said Ian Buck, Vice President of Hyperscale and HPC at NVIDIA. “This provides organizations with the necessary infrastructure to tap into the potential of AI, driving innovation and digital transformation across industries.”
Future Roadmap
In addition to the data center reference designs, AVEVA, a subsidiary of Schneider Electric, will connect its digital twin platform to NVIDIA Omniverse, delivering a unified environment for virtual simulation and collaboration. This integration will enable seamless collaboration between designers, engineers, and stakeholders, accelerating the design and deployment of complex systems, while helping reduce time-to-market and costs.
“NVIDIA technologies enhance AVEVA's capabilities in creating a realistic and immersive collaboration experience underpinned by the rich data and capabilities of the AVEVA intelligent digital twin,” said Caspar Herzberg, CEO of AVEVA. “Together, we are creating a fully simulated industrial virtual reality where you can simulate processes, model outcomes, and effect change in reality. This merging of digital intelligence and real-world outcomes has the potential to transform how industries can operate more safely, more efficiently and more sustainably.”
In collaboration with NVIDIA, Schneider Electric plans to explore new use cases and applications across industries and further its vision of driving positive change and shaping the future of technology.
More information will be available at Schneider Electric’s Innovation Summit Paris on April 3.
Press Contacts:
- Schneider Electric US Media Relations – Joe Koenig, Phone: 331-264-2417;
- Schneider Electric Global Media Relations –
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