Accruent Acquisition of RedEye to Accelerate Strategy with Next-Generation Engineering Document Mana
SaaS acquisition transforms engineering document management with a modern, centralized hub for managing engineering drawings, documents and media securely from any device
Austin, TX, Jan. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Accruent, the leading provider of workplace and asset management solutions and Fortive company (NYSE: FTV), announced today that it has acquired RedEye, an Australia-based engineering document management company specializing in cloud-native solutions. This acquisition reflects Accruent’s ongoing commitment to providing differentiated, cloud-enabled solutions to drive business productivity.
RedEye's addition to Accruent's engineering document management system (EDMS) portfolio, which includes Meridian, provides customers with expanded options for storing and accessing their documents. This acquisition further solidifies Accruent’s leadership in the EDMS space, offering a versatile SaaS solution that enables customers across various industries, whether on-premise or cloud-based, to securely manage their engineering documents, drawings, and media from any device.
The RedEye solution:
Expedites drawing discovery with advanced search capabilities, leveraging rich metadata, GIS, and QR codes for instant retrieval; Safeguards intellectual property and data in an ISO 27001 compliant solution; Provides robust API connectivity to seamlessly integrate documents across business systems.
Customers will have access to regional data hosting hubs designed to ensure compliance with privacy and security regulations applicable to their business. The offering is tailor-made for operating and maintaining complex facilities across manufacturing, oil and gas, utilities, mining, and pharmaceutical.
Bill Pollak, President of Accruent, shared, "This acquisition underscores our commitment to delivering industry-leading solutions across our portfolio, with a continued investment in comprehensive solutions across the facility and asset workflow, while further expanding Accruent's presence in the region. Overall, RedEye’s industry-focused, cloud-native solution, coupled with its strong customer satisfaction, aligns with our investment strategy and long-term objectives."
About Accruent ( Accruent is the world’s leading provider of solutions for unifying the built environment — spanning real estate, physical and digital assets, and the integrated technology systems that connect and control them. Accruent continues to set new expectations for how organizations can use data to transform how they manage their facilities and assets. With headquarters in Austin, Texas, Accruent serves over 5,000 customers in a wide range of industries in more than 100 countries worldwide.
Accruent is a registered trademark, and Meridian is a pending trademark, of Accruent, LLC or its subsidiaries in the United States and other jurisdictions. ©2023 All Rights Reserved.
Stephanie Leontis
Accruent LLC
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