NUAIR and SRAA Celebrate New Headquarters and Highlight Central New York's Leadership in Advanc
Central New York welcomes Assemblymembers Magnarelli, Hunter, and Stirpe along with key partners and industry leaders for the ribbon cutting of NUAIR's new headquarters in Syracuse Hancock International Airport
SYRACUSE, N.Y., Oct. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Just outside the glass doors of Terminal A at Syracuse Hancock International Airport, NUAIR's newly established headquarters sits immediately next to the NUAIR Center of Excellence for Advanced Air Mobility. The Center of Excellence offers visitors a glimpse into the future of transportation with Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) aircraft and features a stack of technology partners based in New York, the collaborative ecosystem provides the tools for uncrewed traffic management as well as airspace visibility and safety for uncrewed flight operations and manned aviation. The new facility was made possible thanks to the continued support of Governor Kathy Hochul and Empire State Development. Her administration remains laser-focused on ensuring the uncrewed system sector's continued evolution in Central New York and statewide.
Yesterday, the Center of Excellence was celebrated with the official ribbon cutting of NUAIR's new headquarters inside Syracuse Hancock International Airport. The event was attended by distinguished Assemblymembers Magnarelli, Hunter, and Stirpe, along with other representatives from New York, NUAIR Board and Alliance members, key executives, industry partners, and local media, highlighting Syracuse's emergence as a hub for next-generation aviation and mobility.
Empire State Development President, CEO and Commissioner Hope Knight said, "Supporting the innovative technologies and emerging industries that are creating the jobs of tomorrow is at the heart of ESD's mission. Together with NUAIR, we are laser-focused on elevating the UAS industry in Central New York and the Mohawk Valley. The NUAIR Center of Excellence for Advanced Air Mobility represents yet another major milestone that will help to ensure the uncrewed system sector's continued growth in New York State."
“If we think Micron is going to be a great industry for Central New York – and it is, no question about it – but this is unbelievable and the things it can do are unbelievable” shared NY State Assemblyman Bill Magnarelli. “This is happening now. It's not 100 years from now… it's happening now.”
“Our young people should be really excited about what we have going on here,” said NY State Assemblymember Pam Hunter. ““As we're talking about engineering and Micron and where people can go, NUAIR is here right now. [They're] right here. Right now. We want young people to be able to see that this is the future.”
“NUAIR and CNY has become the center of the universe for UAS! It was exciting to witness their new facility at the Syracuse Airport and hear of the amazing work they're doing for agencies around the world,” shared NY State Assemblyman Al Stirpe. “Congratulations to everyone involved in deciding that Unmanned Aerial Systems was an industry to focus on and invest in years ago. Your vision is becoming a reality.”
Syracuse Hancock International Airport, a Central New York landmark for over 75 years, began its service to the region in September 1979 with the opening of Clarence E. Hancock Airport. Since then, the airport has fostered aviation innovation, including partnerships with military and government agencies, and remains dedicated to safe, cutting-edge operations.
“Opening our headquarters in the Syracuse Hancock International Airport just makes sense,” says Ken Stewart, President and CEO of NUAIR. “Our team works with the next generation of uncrewed and electric aircraft and is developing the platform to safely integrate them into the national airspace… what better place to work than in an airport that has had military drones like the MQ-9 Reaper taking off autonomously for years? We're honored that many of our partners and legislature are here to celebrate this occasion and continue to recognize the innovation in Central New York.”
The official ribbon cutting is merely the latest achievement of years of development in mobility and aviation in the Central New York region. After a few words, guests had the opportunity to tour NUAIR's Center of Excellence: one of the most advanced uncrewed traffic management platforms featuring integrated technology from the NUAIR Alliance. Not only does it include live ATC data, low-altitude flight detection and monitoring, and microweather service, but the Center of Excellence also hosts a Live Simulated Virtual Construct where testing and validating virtual case studies can be processed to safely prove viability of aircraft with real-time traffic data. In this Construct, SRAA is able to provide a 3D display of the airport layout plan that incorporates AAM and UAS infrastructure in future builds and showcases the investment in the future of aviation and mobility taking root here in Central New York. The Virtual Construct also features a detailed view of New York City's airspace and is used in conjunction with next generation aircraft to test out AAM integration in the urban setting.
“We are at an incredible time in Central New York's history as we have assumed a leadership position in proving Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) aircraft can safely, securely, and efficiently integrate into the National Airspace System,” said Syracuse Regional Airport Authority Executive Director Jason Terreri. “We are proud to partner with NUAIR to remain on the cutting edge of these efforts and are excited to see how they positively impact the way we move people and goods throughout Central New York and beyond!”
The celebration underscores the collaborative efforts in the Greater Syracuse region to establish a world-leading UAS and AAM ecosystem, pioneering technologies that will revolutionize transportation, enhance public safety, and drive economic growth. As Ken Stewart remarked, “this truly is a Community of Excellence”.
About SRAA
The Syracuse Regional Airport Authority (SRAA) operates Syracuse Hancock International Airport (SYR) serving Upstate New York, providing a safe, convenient, seamless passenger experience while enhancing economic opportunity, development, and growth in the region. Established on August 17, 2011, the SRAA officially took over operations of the airport from the City of Syracuse on March 1, 2014. The SRAA's vision is for SYR to be recognized as a best-in-class airport elevating the customer experience and exceeding stakeholder expectations, while using innovative technology and optimizing the economic prosperity of the region we serve.
About NUAIR®
NUAIR is a New York-based nonprofit driving economic development through innovations in UAS and Advanced Air Mobility to safely integrate into the national airspace. With guidance from inception to acceleration, we help you deliver advanced UAS commercial outcomes and build your aviation ecosystem on a proven network of systems from incubators to investors and customers to partners. Understand the harmonization needed to innovate airspace, advance aviation, and architect AAM in your community from theory to reality with our team of experts.
With a rich history of 10+ years performing UAS testing and validation, investing in local and state economic development, and training public safety elite, the Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research Alliance, Inc. (NUAIR) is proud to be the catalyst to not only New York's airspace innovation, but aviation advancement around the globe.
NUAIR. Where Next Takes Flight.
Media Contacts:
Megan Crout | Director of Marketing | NUAIR
Media Inquiries Email | SRAA
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:
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