Avance Clinical GlobalReady Site Partnership Network Expands Rapidly to 2,000 Site Members
WAKE FOREST, N.C. and ADELAIDE, Australia , Sept. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Avance Clinical, the award-winning market-leading CRO for biotechs, announced today that 2,000 clinical sites across North America had joined the Avance Clinical GlobalReady Site Partnership Network.
Avance Clinical CEO, Yvonne Lungershausen said these 2,000 highly qualified sites further enhanced delivery of unprecedented efficiency and effectiveness for our biotech clients during their clinical development.
Tina Schied, Avance Clinical's US-based Senior Site Specialist said the team has individually reviewed these sites for quality, therapeutic area expertise, advanced processes, and compliance so our clients can be assured of quality, rapid startup, and patient access which are vital elements for a successful clinical program.
“Avance Clinical is highly regarded among US-based biotechs and they now make up more than 80% of our clients. A key factor is we can accelerate their clinical development in the US, Australia and Asia, from preclinical stages through to Phase III,” said Schied.
“This is our GlobalReady program which leverages our unique, streamlined multi-region process. With a global pathway, we can ensure efficiency every step of the way,” she said.
“Biotechs are looking for a partner that can seamlessly help transition rapidly with high-quality data that is readily accepted by the FDA and other regulatory agencies. Our in-house global regulatory affairs team assists biotechs to navigate regulatory complexities with confidence and supports our clients with FDA, EMA and TGA submissions.”
“Avance Clinical is a mid-sized, agile, and responsive CRO with a proven track record of swiftly advancing high-quality clinical programs. Our global team is focussed on accelerating drug development for its biotech clients, from preclinical stages through to Phase III.”
Avance Clinical is also an accredited cell and gene technology CRO which means it can run clinical operations for pre-clinical and clinical trials for GMO therapies.
New analysis by market research leader Frost & Sullivan shows one of the major challenges for US biotechs was finding the right biotech aligned CRO partner.
“More than 60% of US biotechs experience delays seeking the right CRO partner to accelerate their drug development programs,” Lungershausen said. (See report here).
The comprehensive report underscores the increasing biotech preference to collaborate with the right sized CROs that can accommodate the fast-paced nature of biotech demands.
Find out more:
- Learn about the GlobalReady model here https://www.avancecro.com/avance-clinical-north-america-operations/
- For more information about the benefits of running your next study with Avance Clinical contact us
- Request an application about joining the GlobalReady Site Partnership Network
About Avance Clinical
Avance Clinical is the largest premium full-service Australian, Asian, North American and EU CRO delivering quality clinical trials, with globally accepted data, in Australia, New Zealand and the US for international biotechs. The company's clients are biotechs completing Phase I to Phase III of their drug development program that require fast, agile, and adaptive solution-oriented clinical research services.
Frost & Sullivan Awards
Avance Clinical, a Frost & Sullivan Asia-Pacific CRO Market Leadership Award recipient for the past five years, has been providing CRO services in the region for more than 26 years.
Pre-clinical through to mid to late phase
Avance Clinical offers pre-clinical services with their experienced ClinicReady team right from pre-clinical through to Phase III clinical services leveraging significant Australian Government incentive rebates of up to 43.5% and rapid start-up regulatory processes.
With experience across more than 120 indications, the CRO can deliver world-class results and high-quality internationally accepted data for FDA and EMA review.
Avance Clinical uses state-of-the-art technology and gold standard systems across all functional areas to provide clients with the most effective processes. Medidata, Oracle, TrialHub, Certinia, Salesforce, Zelta and Medrio are just some of the technology partners.
Media Contact:
Avance Clinical
Kate Thompson
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