GOTS combatting greenwashing with #BehindTheSeams campaign that educates consumers about sustainable
More than 290 brands worldwide participating; Fashion, mattresses and more among giveaways; Manufacturers, brands and consumers urged to support organic in-conversion fibres through the Organic Cotton Accelerator's Farm Programme
Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - For the second year running, Global Standard is taking consumers #BehindTheSeams this September, highlighting the sustainable and social qualities of GOTS-certified products – from runway fashion to hygiene products and so much more in between. Building on the success of last year, #BehindTheSeams 2024 has expanded to take over the entire month with more education on the people and practices making sustainable textiles, plus giveaways planned each day.
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is recognised for its comprehensive approach to sustainability. From promoting human rights along the value chain to banning harmful chemicals in certified textiles, GOTS sets a benchmark for integrity and sustainability. This campaign gives certified companies the opportunity to emphasise how they are at the forefront of changing the textile industry, and how adherence to GOTS is better for the environment more socially conscious throughout their textile production value chain.
Throughout September, Global Standard is excited to introduce daily giveaways on Instagram, featuring partnerships with leading GOTS-certified brands such as Frugi, FC St. Pauli, LangerChen, Natracare, Organic Basics, Mandala, Dedicated and more. Additionally, two major giveaways will be hosted on, where visitors can learn about sustainability by answering daily questions and earning entries. One lucky person based in Europe and their guest will win a sustainable trip for two to Paris. This includes train travel, a two-night stay at the eco-friendly Eden Lodge Paris and a private fitting for a custom GOTS-certified jacket by John Preston. The winner will also enjoy dinner at La Table de Colette, a Michelin-starred restaurant committed to eco-responsibility, including a menu highlighting the carbon footprint of each dish. A lucky winner based in North America will win a hand-built GOTS-certified organic “Serenade” mattress sponsored by Naturepedic.
#BehindTheSeams is also spotlighting "organic in-conversion" farming and urging brands to support farmers during the critical transition period from conventional to organic. In this campaign, GOTS has partnered with the Organic Cotton Accelerator, a multi-stakeholder organisation dedicated to supporting farmers throughout the cotton supply chain as they make the shift to and sustain organic practices. Together, GOTS and OCA want to send a message that brands can bolster the organic cotton supply by investing in and buying organic in-conversion cotton.
"Global Standard and GOTS-certified companies work hard in the background to ensure a more organic, sustainable and socially conscious textile industry, but the consumer doesn't always see or know what that actually means when they pick up a GOTS item in a store," said Holger Stripf, head of marketing at Global Standard. “This campaign is a fun, engaging way to educate the public on living eco-consciously and why choosing organic textiles is better for the health of humans and the planet.”
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About Global Organic Textile Standard
GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), managed by non-profit Global Standard, is the world's leading standard for organic textile certification. It sets strict environmental and social criteria for the entire textile value chain, from the harvesting of raw materials to the finished product. GOTS certification ensures the integrity of finished organic textiles and provides comprehensive solutions for the industry and assurance to consumers worldwide. For more information, visit
Katie Lee
Global Standard gGmbH
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