JMGO Set to Ace Laser Projection with MALC™ 2.0 Triple Laser Optics at IFA 2024
Setting new standards for the projector industry with epic brightness, contrast, and color reproduction—achieved all at once
BERLIN, Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - JMGO, a pioneer in optical technology, will showcase its in-house developed MALC™ (Microstructure Adaptive Laser Control) 2.0 Triple Laser Optics at IFA 2024 in Berlin. This innovation is set to redefine laser projection by overcoming the industry's persistent challenge of achieving high brightness, contrast, and color simultaneously.
Laser technology is renowned for delivering unmatched brightness and color over LED and lamp-based systems. However, the trade-off between brightness, contrast, and color has been a significant hurdle for both laser and hybrid laser/LED projectors. Typically, increasing brightness reduces contrast and oversaturates colors, while prioritizing color often results in lower brightness, compromising the overall viewing experience.
JMGO's MALC™ 2.0 Triple Laser Optics breaks this barrier, enabling the N1S Series projectors to deliver up to 3,500 ANSI lumens of brightness while simultaneously maintaining an impressive 1,600:1 FOFO contrast ratio and covering 110% of BT.2020 with Δ<1 color accuracy. This means viewers can enjoy lifelike imagery with brilliant brightness, deep contrast, and precise color reproduction—without any compromise in picture quality.
Incorporating nine patented technologies, the MALC™ 2.0 laser engine also enhances brightness uniformity, reduces laser speckles, and improves optical efficiency—all while significantly lowering production costs. These innovations will be detailed during the press event on September 7 at 2:00 PM.
"The MALC™ 2.0 Triple Laser Optics embodies our relentless drive to overcome the industry's toughest challenges," said Forrest Li, CEO of JMGO. "As the ace of laser projection, we're always at the forefront of R&D breakthroughs, setting new standards by delivering premium viewing experiences with uncompromised picture quality."
At booth H20-104, Messe Berlin, JMGO will also debut its new MALC™ 2.0-powered projectors, including the flagship N1S Ultimate 4K. Attendees can experience these groundbreaking innovations firsthand and participate in interactive activities like the 120S Color Challenge and Space of Imagination, designed to showcase the unique strengths of MALC™ 2.0.
About JMGO
Since 2011, JMGO has been committed to delivering immersive large-screen experiences with portability and versatility. Integrating functional design and high-quality entertainment, JMGO strives to build an industry-first all-in-one home entertainment ecosystem that encompasses terminal, content, platform, and software for a global market.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
Yiming Zhan
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