Global Strategic Technology Leader Vahé Torossian Joins From Microsoft As President and C
Torossian brings more than three decades of leadership in building strategic partnerships and driving aggressive growth for multibillion-dollar tech innovators
Vahe Torossian
Vahe Torossian
LONDON, Jan. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --, the AI powered composable software platform that allows every business and entrepreneur to become digitally powered, has appointed former Microsoft senior executive Vahé Torossian as President and Chief Partner Officer.
Torossian, a proven leader in the global tech sector with over three decades of experience, joins following his successful tenure in high-impact leadership roles at Microsoft, where he was most recently Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Business Applications. Torossian is an agile, internationally recognized executive with a long track record of helping multibillion-dollar organizations deliver on their digital transformation strategies by challenging the status quo and effectively executing on cutting-edge innovations.
In his new role at, he will be responsible for optimizing and accelerating the company’s overall growth and partnership strategy, with a focus on hyperscaler organizations and North America. He brings his background in understanding cross-industry business challenges and building strategic partnerships to help and its customers set bold ambitions and deliver against them.
“I’m so proud & deeply excited to welcome Vahé to the team. He brings with him an unprecedented expertise that has driven high performance at global technology giants, as well as a deep experience in successfully building business around the world,” said Sachin Dev Duggal, Founder & Chief Wizard, “Given the importance of cloud hyperscalers for our customers; having someone with his skills, leadership and reputation added to our talented team marks another significant exciting milestone for & burns a really bright light into our future.”
Torossian added: “ has been on my radar in recent years thanks to its dynamic pace of growth. The organization’s practical innovations in the AI space have been particularly inspiring to watch as they are already used by the most non technical of users. During a time when the AI narrative is such an important topic around the world, I’m thrilled to be joining a team that has been leading these conversations and bringing to market unique and ambitious AI-powered solutions. It’s very exciting to join a company that’s reimagine how software is built; and finally democratizing access to the billions of people who are not technologists. I’m looking forward to playing a key part in pushing this even further lock step with an incredible team.”
Torossian joins after successfully leading various global executive roles at Microsoft, which includes Corporate Vice President of Worldwide Business Applications, Corporate Vice President Small, Midmarket, Corporate Accounts and Partners and President of Western Europe and CEO of Microsoft France.
Established in 2016, continues to lead the industry with its AI-powered composable software platform that allows anyone with an idea to build an app (web or mobile) – faster and more affordably. By breaking software down into reusable lego-like features, and coupling with state of the Artificial Intelligence and Natasha (the world's first AI product manager) and its patented software assembly line, has been able to demonstrate success globally in allowing customers of all sizes to become software first.
About® is an AI-powered composable software platform for every idea and company on the planet. The AI-powered assembly line fuses together Lego-like reusable features, using Building Blocks™ automation to reduce human effort, leveraging a verified network of experts to vastly extend development capabilities, and producing apps at almost zero failure rate that are multitudes cheaper and faster than traditional software development.
Led by serial entrepreneur Sachin Dev Duggal, is reshaping how software is built and operated with a suite of products and services, including BUILDER STUDIO, BUILDER CLOUD, BUILDER NOW, STUDIO STORE and STUDIO RAPID. In 2020, landed on the 2023 Fast Company list of Most Innovative Companies, was awarded “Hottest AI Startup” and 2022’s “Hottest Scale-Up” at the Europas for Europe's successful tech start-ups and Best COVID-19 Innovation-Recovery at CogX and awarded 'Visionary' in the 2021 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Multi-experience Development Platforms. is headquartered in London, supported by employees and hubs in Delhi NCR, Singapore, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Sophia Antipolis, and Dubai. For more information, visit
BUILDER.AI and BUILDER are trademarks of Corp. All other marks are trademarks of their respective owners.
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