Recommended Boutique -- Tiansheng Yuanbao Coin
*本次藏品 天圣元宝
In traditional Chinese aesthetics, "symmetry" is a very important part. Symmetry itself has a sense of extreme regularity, stability, and harmony, which precisely aligns with the Chinese people's pursuit of "the outer circle and the inner square" and "the golden mean". In the academic community, it is generally believed that pai zi qian began in the Southern Tang Dynasty of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and its true circulation began after the issuance of the "Heavenly Saint Yuanbao". The so-called pairwise coins refer to the use of the same type of ancient coins with different script styles, which can be paired in pairs. Both the structure, strokes, and thickness of the characters are very similar. This unique form of expression has made a unique supplement to the aesthetic value of currency in the history of currency development in China. Paizi Qian has been used for a total of 157 years, with almost no interruptions between them. Compared to the brief circulation history during the Five Dynasties and Southern Tang dynasties, it is indeed more stable.
We can glimpse the coin culture of the entire Song Dynasty, as well as the level and characteristics of calligraphy development in that era, through this heavenly treasure. From the development of Chinese history to the Song Dynasty, it entered a stage of unprecedented prosperity in the commodity economy. The cultural life of the people was diverse and rich, and science and technology developed rapidly. Due to the Tanyuan Alliance during the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of Song, the Song Dynasty was objectively in a relatively stable and war free state. Under the influence of one factor after another, the coinage technology and system of the Song Dynasty have reached perfection, forming a very complete system. These systems contain a lot of content, such as how to control the proportion of ingredients for casting coins, what level of copper coin quality should be achieved, and what processes should be performed from beginning to end, all of which have clear regulations. Therefore, it is not surprising that the true meaning of pai zi qian appeared in the Song Dynasty. The time from casting to completion of the Tiansheng Yuanbao was only ten years. This short period of casting, coupled with the continuous changes of dynasties and the smoke of war, caused significant impact and damage to the Tiansheng Yuanbao. But most of the heavenly holy treasures that can be seen now are preserved intact, so the heavenly holy treasures are particularly precious.
Recently, our company has collected a Heavenly Holy Treasure, with a weight of 3.5g. Although it has undergone historical washing, its appearance and wrapping are more complete compared to ordinary coins, which also reflects the superb craftsmanship of the Song Dynasty and the level of handicraft industry at that time. It has very important reference significance and value for studying the economy of the entire Song Dynasty. From the above figure, it can be seen that the four characters "Tian Sheng Yuan Bao" in Qian Wen were not actually written in a type of calligraphy, but were carved in seal script and genuine script (also known as regular script). Their appearance also laid the foundation for the history of the Song Dynasty's understanding of money. The Tian Sheng Yuan Bao is a typical round square hole coin, with the four characters "Tian Sheng Yuan Bao" arranged in a clockwise rotation from top to top, adopting a rotary reading method, which also reflects the ancient Chinese idea of a round sky and a round place.
The production process of Tiansheng Yuanbao is very complex, and the casting process is used throughout. This requires not only abundant natural resources, but also a certain amount of scientific knowledge reserves, suitable temperature and humidity, in order to meet the production requirements of Tiansheng Yuanbao. Craftsmen in the Song Dynasty discovered that by melting red copper with metals such as tin and lead, they could overcome the shortcomings of thick, poor fluidity, and less hard texture of pure copper solution compared to stone tools, and refine a blue-gray alloy called bronze. Bronze has the advantages of low melting point, easy casting, high hardness, good fluidity after melting, and few bubbles, making it suitable for casting sharp blades and fine decorative patterns. Therefore, most Song Dynasty coins were made using bronze, and the same is true of the Heavenly Holy Treasure.
Although the Tiansheng Yuanbao only occupies a small part of the development history of ancient Chinese coins, its role in the development and witnessing of ancient Chinese economy cannot be replaced. Yuanbao is not only a symbol of the exchange of goods between Chinese characters, but also a Chinese view and understanding of money. From behind the Tiansheng Yuanbao, we can also see the shadow and connotation of Chinese culture, which is the charm of ancient Chinese coins, It is also the value of the Heavenly Holy Treasure.
Please contact Sichuan Junzailai Auction Group Co., LTD for information about the above collections.
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