More safety, comfort, and driving dynamics: Bosch and Pirelli signed a development cooperation for i
The cooperation will combine Bosch’s expertise in system-level hardware, software, with MEMS sensors and Pirelli’s Cyber Tyre technologies, algorithms, modeling and in-tyre sensors
STUTTGART, Germany and MILAN , Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pirelli and Bosch have signed a joint development agreement. It aims at jointly creating new software-based solutions and driving functions thanks to sensors integrated into tyres, also known as in-tyre sensors. For drivers, this means greater safety, comfort, and sustainability, as well as improved driving dynamics. Bosch and Pirelli share the vision of working long term and have the intention to explore together enhanced tyre signal computing logic as potential input for enhanced vehicle dynamic controllers.
Pirelli Cyber Tyre is the world's first system based on tyres with integrated sensors that collect data and transmit it to the vehicle to be processed in real time. Bosch has already developed an ESP application specifically adapted to Pirelli tyres in an initial joint project with the hypercar manufacturer Pagani Automobili. The “Pirelli Cyber Tyre” technology on the Pagani Utopia Roadster transmits key tyre information to the ESP control unit. This enables optimal use of the individual properties and performance of the tyres, providing enhanced greatest safety and tailored driving conditions.
As a global supplier of technology and services, Bosch contributes its system-level hardware and software expertise to the development cooperation. Bosch is also a leader in MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) sensor technology and develops and manufactures tyre pressure sensors using the "Bluetooth Low Energy" (BLE) standard. By merging this expertise with Pirelli's in-tyre devices technologies – both hardware and software, algorithms, and tyre modeling, it will be possible to collect, process, and transmit real-time tyre data to provide parameters for the vehicle's electronic control system, using BLE with very low power consumption. Pirelli and Bosch now aim to exploit Bosch MEMS technology for in-tyre applications.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -
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