ESB Scotland Signs Three Letters of Intent for Projects Utilizing American Energy Storage Innovation
The planned deployments total more than 1.5GW of energy storage capacity across three sites in the United Kingdom
BOSTON and LONDON and ANAHEIM, Calif., Sept. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- At the RE+ clean energy conference, American Energy Storage Innovations, Inc. (AESI, RE+ expo booth N90001) is pleased to announce they have reached agreement on three Letters of Intent (LOI) with ESB Scotland, Ltd. (ESB) for projects utilizing AESI’s flagship project, TeraStor. The LOIs represent a combined total of more than 1.5GW of energy storage capacity across three sites in the United Kingdom:
- High Nether Faul Farm: This site will host 1GW / 2GWh of TeraStor BESS across 312 units, utilizing TeraStor's double-stack footprint technology. The target for commissioning is Q4 2028.
- Gretna Substation: This project involves the installation of 500MW / 1GWh of TeraStor BESS across 156 units. The target for commissioning is Q4 2030.
- Harker Substation: For this project, ESB intends to install 371MW / 742MWh of TeraStor, across 116 units. The target for commissioning at this location is also Q4 2030.
ESB was drawn to TeraStor’s industry-leading features, including:
- Stackability: TeraStor’s ability to double-stack units provides space optimization, crucial for high-density installations like High Nether Faul Farm.
- Plug-and-Play Efficiency: Unlike other options they considered, the all-in-one TeraStor is engineered, manufactured, factory-tested, managed and supported as a single product. It arrives onsite and ready to install in less than 6 hours, significantly reducing installation time, onsite integration challenges and labor costs.
- Cost and Time Savings: ESB recognized the significant capital benefits from TeraStor’s favorable lead times and efficient deployment.
James Ewart, Managing Director of ESB, commented, “TeraStor is exactly what we need to meet our energy storage goals efficiently and reliably. The flexibility, ease of installation and impressive lead times make it the perfect fit for our projects. AESI’s solution not only saves us time but also ensures we maximize our capital investments. We’re excited to see these projects come to life.”
Bud Collins, CEO of AESI, added, “We are thrilled to partner with ESB on these landmark projects. TeraStor’s reliability, flexibility and cost-saving advantages make it easy for our customers to deploy a powerful BESS that optimizes their profitability from day one.”
For more information on AESI and the TeraStor, please visit
About American Energy Storage Innovations, Inc. (AESI)
AESI is a pioneering provider of advanced grid-scale battery energy storage systems designed for high reliability, superior performance and the lowest total cost of ownership. AESI’s flagship product, TeraStor empowers customers to harness the full potential of renewable energy and optimize energy management for maximum profitability and sustainability for utilities, independent power producers and large-scale energy projects. With a steadfast commitment to value, reliability, sustainability and innovation, the AESI team of industry veterans aims to revolutionize the energy storage landscape.
AESI Media Relations
American Energy Storage Innovations, Inc.
2 Cabot Road, Hudson, MA 01749 USA
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