4th Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina Rendezvous: Monaco fosters synergies
TURIN, Italy, Sept. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For the 4th consecutive year, the Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina Rendezvous will take place on the 22 and 23 September 2024 at Yacht Club de Monaco. Organized by Monaco Marina Management (M3), this networking event will gather 250+ delegates including entrepreneurs, industrialists, investors, promoters and marina developers from all over the world. "The creativity, engagement, solutions and expertise of participants is absolutely essential if we want to design the marinas of tomorrow", says José Marco Casellini, CEO of M3. With 29 nationalities represented, the event illustrates a global commitment to infrastructures adapted to climate issues. For this 4th edition, projects in favour of sustainable marinas are available on the official website: www.sustainablesmartmarina.com/e-catalogue-2024. The E-catalogue features a selection of startups and scaleups, a dozen architecture firms, nearly 30 students working in the sector, as well as a dozen marinas.
Delegates can discover and test the latest innovations from startups and scaleups in the exhibition area and attend round tables at three conferences, which will explore how technology, the banking sector and architecture can transform marinas. The two networking days are open to all professionals. This year, a call for proposals invites architects and students to design an innovative floating marina for ecologically sensitive areas. The jury is chaired by Zaha Hadid Architects, with the valuable and consistent participation of architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte and yacht designer Dan Lenard. The implementation of a floating marina project embodies a strategic response to contemporary environmental and infrastructural challenges while leveraging innovation for sustainable coastal development. At the end of two intense days of exchanges and networking, the International Smart & Sustainable Marina Awards will be presented on Monday 23rd September at 4.00pm to winners in three categories: Startups & Scaleups, Marinas and Architects (Professional & Student).
Following on from the Monaco Smart Yacht Rendezvous earlier this year and convinced of the need for a 360° sustainable approach, the organizers continue to develop the Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina Rendezvous. “As in the automobile industry, where infrastructure has to adapt to new generation vehicles, yachting must integrate technological innovations to meet the needs of tomorrow’s yachts,” stresses Bernard d’Alessandri, President of Cluster Yachting Monaco and YCM’s General Secretary. “Without suitable infrastructure and facilities, it will be difficult for us to move the sector forward together. It is essential to mobilize all stakeholders, from yacht designers to marina managers, to ensure a transition to smarter, more sustainable yachting”. As part of the collective approach of 'Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting' this meeting is supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Principality's Digital Transition Programme, Extended Monaco implemented by the Monaco Government, along with UBS, MB92 Group and Bombardier.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/c6f52b44-5ee8-4eef-85ee-6b0ea333da25
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