Resolution Life appoints Moses Ojeisekhoba as President
HAMILTON, Bermuda, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Resolution Life, a global life insurance group focusing on the acquisition and management of portfolios of life insurance policies, today announces that it has appointed Moses Ojeisekhoba as President with effect from October 1, 2024 to deliver the next phase of the Company's growth plans, working closely with Sir Clive Cowdery, the Founder, Chairman and CEO. Moses is expected to succeed Clive Cowdery as CEO during 2026 with Clive remaining Executive Chairman of Resolution Life.
Moses is an accomplished insurance executive with over 30 years' experience in the sector. He joins from Swiss Re where he spent over 12 years in multiple senior executive positions. He was most recently CEO Global Clients & Solutions where amongst other things, he was responsible for managing relationships with some of Swiss Re's key clients. Before this, he served as CEO Reinsurance and was instrumental in developing this division into its strong industry position today. Prior to this, he was CEO Reinsurance Asia and Regional President Asia and significantly grew its business in this region.
Prior to his roles at Swiss Re, Moses held a number of senior leadership positions at Chubb Group and Unico American Corporation. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (JLL) and holds a master's degree in Management from the London Business School and a Bachelor of Science in Statistics from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Moses will be responsible for the leadership of the commercial, market-facing division of Resolution Life and will drive the strategy, growth, profitability, and value creation of the business.
His appointment comes on the back of strong momentum for Resolution Life in the last 12 months having finalised strategic partnerships with Blackstone and Nippon Life, raised $3bn in equity capital, completed three reinsurance transactions, launched an inaugural $500 million Tier 2 listed debt issuance, and acquired Suncorp's New Zealand life insurance company, Asteron Life.
Sir Clive Cowdery, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Resolution Life, commented:
"We are delighted to welcome Moses as President at this pivotal time in our journey as we continue to grow and pursue our mission of being a long-term partner to the global primary life industry.
"Moses is an exceptional and highly regarded executive. I have long admired his proven leadership and operational experience, and I am confident that he will be invaluable to Resolution Life as we embark on our next phase of growth."
Moses Ojeisekhoba, President designate, commented:
"I am very excited to be joining Resolution Life with its excellent track record and I have been impressed by Resolution's pioneering accomplishments over the past 20 years and its leading position in the global life and annuity consolidation market.
"I am confident that Resolution Life has an extremely bright future and I look forward to working closely with Clive, the senior leadership team and all my colleagues in capitalising on the opportunities ahead of us to protect the financial futures of our policyholders and create value for our other stakeholders."
Notes to Editors:
About Resolution Life
Resolution Life is a global life insurance group focusing on the acquisition and management of portfolios of life insurance policies. Since 2003 to date, prior Resolution entities together with Resolution Life have deployed c.$19billion of equity in the acquisition, reinsurance, consolidation and management of life insurance companies. Together, these companies have served the needs of c.14 million policyholders while managing over $385 billion of assets.
Resolution Life today has operations in Bermuda, the U.K., the U.S., Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, assisting the restructuring of the primary life insurance industry globally. Resolution Life provides a safe and reliable partner for insurers by:
- Focusing on existing customers, rather than seeking expansion by new sales
- Delivering policyholder benefits in a secure, well capitalised environment
- Returning capital to our institutional investors in the form of a steady dividend yield
Visit for more information.
Media Enquiries:
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