The Burberry Summer 2025 Collection – Press Release
LONDON, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Grounded in easy elegance. Creativity feels inherently British; expressive silhouettes are infused with familiarity.
There is a sense of adventure in the summertime: rainwear is cropped. Trench elements are deconstructed and realised in fabrics that feel light: silk poplin and linen.
Weathered materials reference the outdoors. Capes and parkas are coated for protection; fabrics are washed and sun-bleached for a worn feel, drawing on Burberry's heritage of fabric innovation.
Check features across jackets, trousers and bags in linen cotton, silk viscose and chainmail.
Trousers are easy and relaxed; buttons on ankles modify the silhouette. Cargo pants are functional and protective. Full-length skirts are in bright shades, silk organza faux feather trims line shoulders. Dresses are hand-stitched with metallic paillettes in gold and lilac.
Men's jackets feature lightweight tri-layer fabric on car coats in check. Polo shirt collars are layered under fitted leather jackets that feel rakish and refined; a lively British spirit.
Clogs are robust; men's penny loafers are softly constructed. Open-toe mules and the Twine heel feel feminine.
Bags are rooted in the outdoors: Country features Burberry Check in grainy leather. B Clip is in tumbled leather, suede and patchwork check leather.
Colours are cheerful: palma, green, carrot, bellflower and lilac, alongside neutral tones of whittle, eccle, terracotta and skylark.
An original set is created by British artist Gary Hume.
‘What is so great about making art is that it's so interesting. You're always looking and then always making.' – Gary Hume
The Summer 2025 collection is presented at the National Theatre, continuing Burberry's long-standing commitment to supporting the arts. The brutalist architecture complements Gary Hume's modernist works, contrasting with the lightness of the collection.
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A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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