Teledyne unveils the first 16k TDI line scan camera with a 1-Megahertz line rate
WATERLOO, Canada, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Teledyne DALSA, a Teledyne Technologies [NYSE:TDY] company, is pleased to introduce the Linea™ HS2 TDI line scan camera family. Drawing on over four decades of industry leading expertise, this innovative camera series represents a significant breakthrough in next generation TDI technology. Designed for ultra-high-speed imaging in light starved conditions, it delivers exceptional image quality with 16k/5 µm resolution and boasts an industry leading maximum line rate of 1 Megahertz, or 16 Gigapixels per second data throughput.
The Linea HS2 features a highly sensitive Backside Illuminated (BSI) multi-array charge-domain TDI CMOS sensor with 16k/5 µm resolution and optimized Quantum Efficiency, meeting the rigorous demands of current and future machine vision applications. The multi-array TDI sensor architecture allows the camera to be configured for superior image quality with maximized line rate, dynamic range, or full well, according to specific application requirements. This makes it particularly ideal for inspecting semiconductor wafers, high density interconnects and flat panel displays, and for life science applications. On-chip binning also enables higher web speeds to boost system throughput. The camera is equipped with dual Camera Link HS CX4 connectors to Active Optical Cables providing complete EMI immunity.
Linea HS2 offers a seamless upgrade from Teledyne's existing Linea HS line scan cameras, featuring the same pixel size, optics, cables, and mounting hardware, but with a 2.5 time increase in speed, while maintaining reasonable power consumption. An optional liquid cooling accessory provides thermal stability during operation.
For a complete solution, the Linea HS2 camera works with Teledyne's Xtium2 CLHS series of high-performance frame grabbers, utilizing next generation CLHS technology. Built on reliable, field-proven high-speed data transmission technology, it delivers data at 16 Gigapixels per second over dual CLHS CX4 connectors to active optical cables. Its data forwarding capability supports parallel data processing in up to 12 PCs.
See Linea HS2 at VISION, Stuttgart from 8-10 October 2024 on Teledyne booth 8 B10 or visit the product page for more information. For sales enquiries, visit our contact page.
Teledyne DALSA is a part of Teledyne's Vision Solutions group and a leader in the design, manufacture, and deployment of digital imaging components for machine vision. Teledyne DALSA image sensors, cameras, smart cameras, frame grabbers, software, and vision solutions are at the heart of thousands of inspection systems around the world and across multiple industries. For more information, visit
All trademarks are registered by their respective companies.
Teledyne DALSA reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.
Media Contact:
Jessica Broom
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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