Capsa Healthcare's New Interactive Website Assists Healthcare Leaders in Technology Decision Ma
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Capsa Healthcare, a pioneer in health IT, medication management, and pharmacy automation, today announced the launch of a new interactive website designed to help healthcare providers make more informed decisions about their technology needs. Capsa has been a leading provider of healthcare workflow solutions to hospitals and health systems, long-term care facilities, and pharmacies for more than 60 years. The company's history of success is marked by the strong partnerships it forms with the providers it serves.
With the launch of this new website, Capsa begins the collaboration process even before an initial consultation. Healthcare leaders can browse, explore, and learn about Capsa's solutions using an interactive floorplan inspired by real-world use-cases. The new tool highlights Capsa's solutions within an array of healthcare environments so decision makers can get a sense of how the technology will support critical workflows across their operations and within their context.
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.
This unique interactive experience helps site visitors understand the value of Capsa's support of healthcare delivery across a wide profile of clinical delivery models. A redesigned and simplified RFQ system provides a simple path for decision makers to build a solution that is uniquely suited to their application needs. Throughout the product evaluation and purchase process, Capsa deepens and strengthens the collaborative effort with world class sales support, deployment services, and ongoing technical and maintenance assistance.
“The launch of our new website marks a pivotal step in showcasing Capsa Healthcare's full suite of end-to-end solutions,” said Capsa Healthcare Chief Commercial Officer Jeff Schlossnagle. “The website showcases Capsa Healthcare's capabilities at the intersection of providers, patients, and innovative technology. We're making it easier than ever for healthcare leaders to understand the value of Capsa Healthcare's brand and explore our comprehensive solutions tailored to truly engineering a path to better care.”
Capsa is proud of the trusted partnerships it forges with its customers and looks forward to building new collaborative partnerships with healthcare providers as they seek to eliminate obstacles and empower clinical staff to engage patients with empathy, accuracy, and efficiency. Today's website launch is an example of Capsa Healthcare's ongoing mission to make healthcare delivery less complicated by designing products and solutions that free and empower providers to spend their time caring for patients, not worrying about their clinical support equipment or processes.
About Capsa Healthcare
Across the healthcare continuum, Capsa stands out as the leader in purposefully designed, integrated solutions for pharmacy automation, medication management, and point-of-care technologies. Capsa has partnered with healthcare providers for more than 60 years to engineer innovative answers for complex challenges. Capsa's solutions optimize workflows, streamline repetitive tasks, and improve clinical efficiency. From automating pharmacy operations to enhancing patient engagement, Capsa is engineering a path to better care.
Media Contact:
Mike Stotz, Sr. Marketing Manager
(*) Photography available
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