Amlan International Appoints Marty Thompson as Southwest U.S. Key Accounts Manager
CHICAGO, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Amlan International, a leading innovator in mineral-based feed additives for poultry and animal production, is pleased to announce the appointment of Marty Thompson as Southwest Key Accounts Manager for the U.S. Marty joins Amlan with extensive experience in the livestock and feed industry, bringing a proven track record of success and a passion for fostering valuable partnerships.
“We are thrilled to welcome Marty Thompson to the Amlan team,” said Heath Wessels, Vice President of Sales, The Americas. “His background, initiative, and sales growth achievements will be tremendous assets as we continue to expand our presence and enhance partnerships in the Southwest region.”
Marty joins Amlan with an impressive track record of business development within the livestock feed industry. As a National Account Manager, he successfully grew sales of vitamins and an array of feed additives to major poultry integrators and livestock feed manufacturers at his previous organization.
In his new role at Amlan, Marty will be instrumental in strengthening customer relationships, driving sales initiatives, and supporting Amlan's commitment to advancing animal health with our mineral technology. With a 23-year history in the industry, Marty is well-equipped to enhance Amlan's strategic objectives in the Southwest region. Marty holds a B.S. in Animal Science from Oklahoma State University and has completed graduate studies at the University of Arkansas.
President of Amlan International, Dr. Wade Robey, added, “Marty's expertise makes him an ideal fit for the position. His ability to deliver exceptional results and his commitment to building trust by proving a product's value align perfectly with Amlan's ethics and goals. We are confident that Marty will help advance our growth initiatives and contribute to the continued success of the region.”
Amlan International is headquartered in Chicago, with its R&D center, the 6,000-square-foot Nick Jaffee Center for Innovation, located in Vernon Hills, Illinois. In 2019, the company strengthened its research capabilities with the expansion of its Richard M. Jaffee Center for Applied Microbiology to accelerate novel animal health and life sciences research.
About Amlan International
Amlan International is the animal health business of Oil-Dri Corporation of America, a leading global manufacturer and marketer of sorbent minerals. Oil-Dri leverages over 80 years of expertise in mineral science to selectively mine and process its unique mineral for consumer and business-to-business markets. Oil-Dri Corporation of America doing business as “Amlan International” is a publicly traded stock on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: ODC). Amlan International sells feed additives across the world. Product availability may vary by country; associated claims do not constitute medical claims and may differ based on government requirements. For more information on Amlan International, please visit
Contact: Reagan Culbertson, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, B2B Email:
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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