Boyden US and Canada Elevates Jérôme Bichut to Partner of Executive Search Practice Area
Jérôme Combines Three Decades of Financial Services and Asset Management Experience with Executive Search Expertise to Deliver Tailored Candidate Recruitment Solutions
Jérôme Bichut Headshot
Headshot of Boyden Partner Jérôme Bichut
NEW YORK, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Boyden, a premier global leadership and talent advisory firm, has elevated Jérôme Bichut from Senior Advisor to Partner. Based in Montréal, Jerome brings more than three decades’ worth of experience to Boyden’s Executive Search practice, assisting clients in both the United States and Canada.
Stephan Pizenberg, Managing Partner of Boyden US, comments, “Jérôme has consistently demonstrated outstanding leadership within our Executive Search practice. Since joining our team, he has shown a remarkable ability to fully immerse himself in our North American clients’ needs, going beyond just qualifications to understand the very core of their organizational culture. In concert with his wealth of experience, this approach has led to consistently successful placements, and we are thrilled to celebrate Jérôme as Partner now.”
Since 2022, Jérôme has leveraged his 30 years of experience in financial services and asset management to work with Boyden partners in developing and nurturing business opportunities in North America. His expertise is steeped in an extensive understanding of asset management, portfolio management, global asset allocation, pension funds, auditing, behavioral finance, and risk management.
Jérôme Bichut adds, “Over the last two years, I have had the privilege of working alongside Boyden’s exceptional team. While our reach is global, each client benefits from a personalized approach that stems from building an immersive connection to not only their recruitment needs but also their core values as a business. I’m honored to continue delivering this human-centered approach — one that transcends the capabilities of empirical data and AI— as Partner to provide a strategic, personal touch to candidate selection.”
Prior to joining Boyden Canada, Jérôme founded and served as the President of Select Consultation — an asset management consulting firm in Montreal, Canada — and Managing Director at PSP Investments, a leading Montréal-based pension fund. Beyond this, Jérôme sits as a member of The Client Committee Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management Program and is an Assistant Professor at HEC Montreal, the graduate business school of the University of Montreal.
About Boyden
Boyden is a premier leadership and talent advisory firm with more than 75 offices in over 45 countries. Our global reach enables us to serve clients' needs anywhere they conduct business. We connect great companies with great leaders through executive search, interim management and leadership consulting solutions. Boyden is ranked amongst the top companies on Forbes’ America's Best Executive Recruiting Firms for 2024. For further information, visit
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
Michael Puglia
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