50Steel Almax by Sanlorenzo achieves SEA Index certification at the Yacht Club de Monaco
TURIN, Italy, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 50Steel Almax by Sanlorenzo achieves SEA Index certification. Sanlorenzo, Yacht Club de Monaco partner, wanted the carbon intensity analysed of its latest addition, previewed at YCM just. The 50m superyacht, the world’s first to be fitted with a Reformer – Fuel Cell modular system, achieved three stars. It transforms green methanol into hydrogen then electricity to power the boat’s hospitality equipment without having to store hydrogen onboard. The technological challenge of integrating the system has been developed in collaboration with Siemens Energy. After a detailed study undertaken by the Sea Index in collaboration with Lloyd’s Register’s recognised technical teams and elements supplied by Sanlorenzo, the boat received official certification.
“The Sanlorenzo 50Steel represents an important step on our path towards a more sustainable yachting industry and embodies the passion for challenges that has always guided us. We are adopting ground-breaking solutions to achieve this objective while maintaining our elegant, comfortable lines. Our 2030 roadmap, which is part of our carbon neutrality strategy, is now taking shape and we are keen to bring our new ambitions to fruition. This revolutionary solution allows the yacht to generate up to 100kW of electricity to power all hospitality services around 85% of the time,” says Massimo Perotti, Chairman and CEO of Sanlorenzo.
The SEA Index, set up in 2020 by Yacht Club de Monaco and Credit Suisse (UBS Group Company), has become the standard of reference for assessing CO2 emissions of pleasure boats. Its purpose is to support yacht owners keen to be more sustainable and accompany them in their transition towards better practices. Certified by Lloyd’s Register, Sea Index guarantees ratings accuracy through a rigorous procedure before granting certification. Recently recognised by the CAPENERGIES label, the SEA Index is also now deployed in 15 harbours and marinas in a triangle between Menton, Saint-Tropez and Bonifacio in Corsica, including YCM Marina and Monaco’s harbours (SEPM), as well as the Seychelles (Eden Marina and Port Victoria), the Blue Economy Ministry having recently joined the SEA Index initiative.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/eac6a042-42ad-4ea5-a78d-b671c4192dd5
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