Teledyne introduces next generation AI-powered smart camera for industrial automation and inspection
BOSTON, Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne DALSA, a Teledyne Technologies [NYSE:TDY] company and global leader in machine vision technology, is pleased to announce its next generation AI-powered BOA™3 smart camera for industrial automation and inspection.
The new BOA3 smart camera is designed to leverage the best features from previous BOA generations and combine them with new sensor and AI (Artificial Intelligence) inspection technologies developed by Teledyne. BOA3 is a highly integrated vision system in a compact, rugged smart camera format designed to meet the needs of the most complex, demanding machine vision applications.
“The new BOA3 is an exciting next step in our smart camera development,” said Szymon Chawarski, Product Line Manager, Vision Systems. “Its modular and flexible architecture will allow us to offer new and powerful solutions for embedded machine vision inspections.”
BOA3 offers sensor resolutions from 1.2 to 12MP, integrated or C-mount lens options, onboard I/O, and includes easy-to-use machine vision software, all in one common platform. BOA3 smart cameras deliver the flexibility and uncompromised functionality to enable quick, cost-effective embedded machine vision deployments.
BOA3 comes with iNspect™, an easy-to-use, no-code inspection development software with tools for positioning, part locating, pattern matching, measuring, barcode reading, feature or defect detection, including automatic reading of characters (OCR) based on a pre-trained AI inference network. Combine the broad range of traditional vision tools with powerful AI Classification or Object Detection models created in Astrocyte™, Teledyne DALSA’s GUI-based AI Trainer software.
Camera Details and Availability
BOA3 models with 1.2, 5MP, and 12MP monochrome sensors are available immediately. Color versions are planned for release at the end of 2024. New sensor and lens options will be added to the platform in 2025.
Find out more about BOA3 smart cameras at VISION in Stuttgart, Germany from October 8-10 at Teledyne booth 8 B10. Please visit the BOA3 product page for more information. For sales enquiries, visit our contact page.
Teledyne DALSA is part of the Teledyne Vision Solutions group and a leader in the design, manufacture, and deployment of digital imaging components for machine vision. Teledyne DALSA image sensors, cameras, smart cameras, frame grabbers, software, and vision solutions are used in thousands of automated inspection systems around the world and across multiple industries. For more information, visit
Media Contact
Brooks Riendeau
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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