HYCU® Appoints Brian Babineau as First Chief Customer Officer
SaaS Customer Experience Leader Joins Best in Industry Data Protection Provider to Accelerate Customer Journey for Maximum Business Objectives
Boston, Massachusetts, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - HYCU, Inc., a leader for modern data protection for on-prem, cloud services, and SaaS, and one of the fastest growing companies in the industry, today announced the appointment of Brian Babineau as HYCU's Chief Customer Officer. Babineau brings more than two decades of experience leading results-oriented customer-focused services and support organizations. He joins HYCU from Barracuda where most recently he was Chief Customer Officer. Prior he was the Senior Vice President and General Manager of MSP Solutions growing the business year on year via organic innovation and multiple acquisitions. He joined Barracuda as Vice President of Product Marketing. A long-standing analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc., he joined ESG from EMC where he held a number of customer-facing positions. He joins a customer-centric leadership team that delivers value through protecting and securing critical enterprise data.
“Delighting customers has always been our focus at HYCU. With more than 4,200 customers worldwide and an industry-leading NPS score consistently above 90, to support our next phase of growth, we were looking for someone with a rich pedigree of data protection experience, along with a proven ability to help meet customers' evolving purchasing habits with innovative solutions. We could not be more thrilled to have Brian join the team,” said Simon Taylor, Founder and CEO, HYCU. “Brian brings a rare balance of ensuring customers make the most from their technology investments while exceeding both success and support experience."
While at Barracuda, Babineau led several initiatives to simplify customer experience from purchase through support. He spearheaded the concept of global customer success after delivering consistent retention metrics with the MSP Division. He was an integral part of Barracuda's shift from an appliance to SaaS business model across several security solutions.
“I have admired HYCU's journey to date as a leading SaaS and multi-cloud data protection platform provider,” said Babineau. “I'm excited to join HYCU as the company looks to expand its products and market reach. The team has very aggressive customer metrics which will translate into better business outcomes for them and us. As a passionate customer success executive and operator, I am impressed by the caliber of HYCU's customer base and I am looking forward to spending time with our customers to ensure they maximize their investment in HYCU.”
To learn more about HYCU's multicloud-native and SaaS data protection solutions, visit: www.hycu.com, follow us on X (formerly Twitter), connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
About HYCU
HYCU is the fastest-growing leader in the multi-cloud and SaaS data protection as a service industry. By bringing true SaaS-based data backup and recovery to on-premises, cloud-native, and SaaS IT environments, the company provides unrivaled data protection, migration, disaster recovery, and ransomware protection to thousands of companies worldwide. The company's award-winning R-Cloud platform eliminates complexity, risk, and the high cost of legacy-based solutions, providing data protection simplicity to make it the #1 SaaS Data Protection platform. With an industry leading NPS score of 91, HYCU has raised $140M in VC funding to date and is based in Boston, Mass. Learn more at www.hycu.com.
Don Jennings
HYCU, Inc.
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