Emirates E-Sports Federation & ITW Universe Unveil E-Gaming League (EGL) Set to Launch in March
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Emirates E-Sports Federation, in collaboration with ITW Universe, announces the launch of the E-Gaming League (EGL), a pioneering esports league set to debut in March 2025 in the UAE. Inspired by major sports leagues like the NBA, EPL, and IPL, the EGL introduces a unique franchise-based and draft system aimed at redefining competitive gaming.
The league will feature six franchise teams competing across various game genres, including MOBA, FPS, Sports, and Racing. Its innovative draft model will be the first of its kind in esports, promoting competitive balance and nurturing new talent.
Global qualifiers will kick off in early 2025, providing top amateur players a chance to earn spots in the player draft and compete alongside international stars. This process will solidify the UAE as a leading global esports hub.
His Highness Sheikh Sultan Bin Khalifa Bin Shakbout Al Nahyan, President of the Emirates E-Sports Federation, highlighted:
“The EGL will unify publishers, players, organizers, and brands to shape the future of esports in the region.”
Vivek Chandra, Director of ITW Universe, shared:
“The EGL will set a new global benchmark, making the UAE a key destination for esports talent and innovation.”
Saeed Ali Al-Tahir, General Secretary of the Federation, emphasized:
“The EGL provides a platform for new talent and positions the UAE as a global leader in the esports community.”
Nayeem Khan, Head of Gaming/Esports at ITW Universe, added:
“The EGL goes beyond a tournament—it's an immersive entertainment experience with fan zones, community events, and live performances, elevating esports to mainstream sports entertainment.”
With the PC and Games market generating $92 billion in revenue in 2023, the EGL aims to elevate esports to new heights by incorporating proven sports frameworks, creating a sustainable ecosystem for talent development and global competition.
This announcement marks the start of an exciting journey, positioning the EGL as a flagship event in the global esports landscape.
Contact: nayeem.k@itwconsulting.in
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/ca4080a3-0605-4ec8-b09f-307723f4f440
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