Winvest Group Limited Subsidiary IQI Media Unveils the Concept Art and Character Designs for Its Hor
RENO, Nev., Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Winvest Group Limited (OTC: WNLV) ("Winvest"), an investment holding company with diverse media and entertainment portfolios, is pleased to announce that its subsidiary IQI Media has completed and copyrighted both the concept art and character designs for its upcoming live action horror feature film Billie Black, from writer/director Nick Reiber.
Anticipated to have a MPAA rating of PG-13, Billie Black is about a woman whose paranormal abilities always felt like a curse growing up. But now, following the death of her husband, she spends her days banishing unwanted ghosts…for a fee. Her few remaining friends—and her beloved husband’s ghost—all disapprove of her dangerous profession, and for good reason. As she ventures in the seedier corners of the paranormal world, she discovers new evils that not only threaten her life, but also her dearly departed husband’s soul.
Artist Kathy Hsieh, who has over 25 years of experience as a Hollywood concept artist, created all of Billie Black’s creature concepts, expertly capturing the film’s spooky ghosts and spine-tingling atmosphere. The creepy creatures include: the Crooked Neck Man, who was the tragic victim of a hit-and-run; the Spider Ghost, the multi-armed reincarnation of an abusive husband who became a paraplegic after a motorcycle accident; and the Backwards Woman, the fractured spirit of an older woman with dementia.
“We decided to release the silhouetted creature concepts for Billie Black as part of our early awareness building campaign,” said executive producer Khiow Hui Lim (Alien Code). “This type of ‘First Look’ promotion can be an intriguing teaser while also enabling us to conduct social advertising and A/B testing with our target audience, which includes horror movie fans and young adults between the ages of 22 and 40. When it comes to original content, we believe it’s critical to start engaging with your audience as soon as possible.”
Limited Liability Company Interests (Units) are available in Billie Black Production, LLC, as a mini-maxi offering—sold by the LLC Manager on a “Best Efforts” basis—with a minimum of three Units ($600,000) and a maximum of 10 Units ($2M) to be raised from accredited investors only. Two Units (totalling $400,000) have already been purchased, and the LLC Manager is now seeking to secure the sale of at least one additional Unit ($200,000) to meet the minimum fundraising goal.
Investors are to be paid 100% of the LLC’s distributable cash until they receive 125% of their originally invested capital; then creative deferments, if any, are paid. After payment of deferments, if any, the LLC’s distributable cash will be shared on a 50/50 basis between the Manager and LLC members (pro rata amongst them) for 15 years. For more details on this unique investment opportunity, including the terms, projections, incentive packages, and risks, interested parties may request the private placement memorandum (PPM).
As of now, there are four potential film buyers ready to review the completed film, which is currently slated for a 2025 theatrical release.
About Winvest Group Limited:
Headquartered in Reno, Nevada, Winvest is an investment holding company focused on media, entertainment, and technology. Shares in the company are currently traded on the OTC Market under the stock ticker “WNLV,” with plans to upgrade to Nasdaq and pursue an IPO in the near future. For additional information about Winvest and its investment opportunities, please visit
Investor Contact:
Khiow Hui Lim
Founder of IQI Media & Chief Strategy Officer of Winvest
1055 E. Colorado Blvd, Suite 500, Pasadena, CA 91106
Phone: 626-240-4600
Media Contact:
Fiona Ng
Winvest Group Limited
50 West Liberty Street, Suite 880, Reno NV 896501
Phone: 775-996-0288
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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