UIM E1 La Belle Classe Academy by YCM: a pioneering Pilot Academy
TURIN, Italy, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The UIM E1 World Championship, the world’s first all-electric raceboat series, has announced a landmark partnership with the Yacht Club de Monaco to host its pioneering Pilot Academy, a comprehensive talent identification programme designed to uncover a new generation of pilots for its second season.
With new teams set to be introduced for next season, the UIM E1 La Belle Classe Academy by YCM is now on the hunt for athletes from various racing backgrounds and disciplines to secure their spot in the E1 fleet for 2025. Later this year Pilot Academy modules will take place on the iconic waters of Monaco, with the principality’s world-renowned Yacht Club de Monaco forming a stunning backdrop and providing a state-of-the-art base for the academy. Successful racers will be given the unique opportunity to compete in iconic coastal cities around the world, potentially including Monaco in Season 2 aboard the RaceBird, E1’s futuristic electric raceboat, under the management of high-profile celebrity team owners including Marc Anthony, Marcelo Claure, Tom Brady, Will Smith, Virat Kohli, Steve Aoki, Rafael Nadal, Sergio Perez and Didier Drogba.
Last month the Yacht Club de Monaco played host to the fourth event of E1’s debut season with HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco presenting the winner’s trophy after watching the racing with E1 Team Owners Tom Brady, Didier Drogba and Marcelo Claure. HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco said: “I am delighted to have launched the Pilot Academy, the landmark partnership between the UIM E1 World Championship, the world’s first all-electric raceboat series, and the Yacht Club de Monaco. The Pilot Academy will allow the identification of the next generation of pilots for E1’s second season. I call on all interested athletes to submit their application". "YCM’s training centre, La Belle Classe Academy, is proud to be working with E1 to provide innovative training for its professional pilots. Our aim is to train the new generation of pilots in these new racing formats and prepare them to integrate the latest technologies. This initiative marks a new visionary approach to powerboating, adapted to the future of our sport and is part of the collective Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting approach led by YCM,” added Bernard d’Alessandri, YCM General Secretary.
Rodi Basso, Co-Founder & CEO of E1, said: “We are excited to relaunch the E1 Pilot Academy, which embodies our commitment to nurturing diverse talent and promoting gender equality in sport. After the enormous success of last month’s event in Monaco we are honoured to once again work with the Yacht Club de Monaco in bringing the academy to life.” Rafaelle Chiulli, President of the UIM, said: “Under the tutelage of some of the UIM’s finest instructors, the Pilot Academy program ensures all of our athletes couldn’t be more prepared to take the RaceBird onto the track. We are proud to welcome E1 Pilot Training at the doorsteps of the UIM Headquarters in Monaco.”
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/c5049eb1-b2f4-4cb7-87ad-b3219fd175e2
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