Curia Unveils Brand Refresh at CPHI WW in Milan
The refined brand highlights Curia’s key capabilities and personalized approach across small molecules, generic APIs and biologics
ALBANY, N.Y., Oct. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Curia, a leading contract research, development and manufacturing organization, today unveiled its refreshed brand. The update introduces refined corporate messaging and a new brand hierarchy, highlighting the breadth of Curia’s CDMO capabilities across small molecules, generic APIs and biologics. This brand update underscores Curia’s role as a dedicated ally to its clients, leveraging 30+ years of industry experience and a robust global presence to accelerate product timelines by addressing both simple and complex challenges across drug discovery, development and manufacturing.
The brand refresh includes:
- Three distinct commercial service logos – Curia has established brand logos for each of its three key service offerings across small molecules, generic APIs and biologics. This new hierarchy of service logos clearly communicates Curia’s robust portfolio of services and solutions.
- Revamped website – Curia is pleased to simultaneously launch its updated website. The evolved design improves the user experience for clients and prospects seeking best-in-class contract development and manufacturing services in small molecules, generic APIs, biologics, analytical services and sterile fill-finish.
“This refresh reflects our unwavering commitment to being a trusted ally to our customers,” said Philip Macnabb, CEO of Curia. “Curia has decades of experience in this industry, and we have continually broadened our capabilities to meet the needs of our customers. Our new brand identity clearly communicates not just our offerings, but the unique level of expertise and collaboration we bring as we work to noble purpose to improve patients’ lives.”
Curia began as AMRI more than 30 years ago with a focus on small molecules, and over time, expanded to offer a blend of global resources and scientific expertise. In 2021, AMRI rebranded as Curia and broadened its capabilities to include biologics with the acquisition of LakePharma and Integrity Bio. This next evolution of its brand strategically highlights Curia’s strengths as a full-service CDMO across modalities, leveraging 30+ years of industry experience, a global network of advanced facilities and an unwavering commitment to excellence and collaboration at the core.
About Curia
Curia is a contract research, development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) with over 30 years of experience, an integrated network of 20+ global sites and approximately 3,500 employees partnering with biopharmaceutical customers to bring life-changing therapies to market. Our offerings in small molecules, generic APIs and biologics span discovery through commercialization, with integrated regulatory, analytical and sterile fill-finish capabilities. Our scientific and process experts along with our regulatory compliant facilities provide a best-in-class experience across drug substance and drug product manufacturing. From curiosity to cure, we deliver every step to accelerate your research and improve patients’ lives. Visit us at
Corporate Contact: |
Viana Bhagan |
Curia |
+1 518 512 2111 | |
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