Regnology Introduces Regnology Granular Data (RGD)
RGD is the enhanced version of Regnology’s Abacus data model, enriched with extended global coverage, powerful data lineage capabilities and fit for cloud and AI (Artificial Intelligence) enhancements
Regnology, a leading software provider with a focus on regulatory reporting solutions, announced today the release of Regnology Granular Data (RGD), its new single, non-redundant integrated global data model built on the strengths of Regnology’s long-established Abacus data model to prepare for the future of regulatory reporting.
RGD leverages 30 years of experience enhancing a harmonized and standardized granular data model covering a bank’s entire dataset to deliver prudential, statistical and ad-hoc reporting on a supranational and national level.
Granular by design, RGD is the granular data model at the core of all Regnology solutions. It empowers Regnology’s entire regulatory reporting value chain from data enrichment down to regulatory report production, minimizing the effort required for data provisioning and ensuring consistency and quality of results data across all reporting areas and jurisdictions.
Robrecht Vander Haeghen, Head of Banking at Regnology, said, “We are extremely proud of the release of RGD, the most advanced granular data solution on the market today. RGD better equips market participants to adapt to the ever-increasing complexity of regulatory reporting and provides them with a tried and tested best-practice approach to data handling.”
Regnology regulatory experts have spent the past two years enriching the model with over 650 reports catering to regulatory requirements of more than 25 jurisdictions spanning across Europe, the Nordics, UK, US, Canada and APAC, mirroring Regnology’s global footprint expansion.
While initiatives such as IReF (Integrated Reporting Framework) are paving the way in Europe, granular data is fast becoming a standardized requirement throughout the world as the global industry transitions to a more real-time and proactive approach to supervision, thereby making solutions like RGD essential.
Recently overhauled with the latest version of Regnology’s prudential banking regulatory reporting solution, RGD also offers deeper data exploration capabilities, less redundancy, more flexibility and is better geared for cloud-augmented regulatory reporting frameworks.
Coupled with the extensive calculation, classification rules and data enrichment functionalities of Regnology’s automation engine, RGD offers the ability for extensive granular exploration through data visualization widgets and full traceability. Due to its comprehensive audit trail and powerful data lineage capabilities, data is processed at each step of the regulatory reporting cycle.
Linda Middleditch, Chief Product Officer at Regnology added, “With a battle-tested model calibrated over 30 years, Regnology has proved its ability to support customers on their granular data transition journey. RGD makes regular reporting data more compatible for enhanced analytics and an AI-enhanced regulatory reporting framework.”
RGD and all its capabilities are seamlessly accessible through the Regnology Reporting Hub (RRH), a comprehensive end-to-end regulatory reporting framework designed to offer greater reporting efficiency through workflow automation and analytics.
About Regnology
Regnology is a leading technology firm on a mission to bring safety and stability to the financial markets. With an exclusive focus on regulatory reporting and more than 35,000 financial institutions, 70 regulators, international organizations, and tax authorities relying on our solutions to process their regulatory reporting data, we are uniquely positioned to bring greater data quality, efficiency, and cost savings to all market participants. With over 900 employees in 16 countries and a unified data ingestion model powering our work, our clients can quickly implement and derive value from our solutions and easily keep pace with ongoing regulatory changes. Regnology was formed in 2021 when BearingPoint RegTech, a former business unit of BearingPoint Group, joined forces with Vizor Software, a global leader in regulatory and supervisory technology. The company is on a continued organic and external growth path, building up as one of the world's most recognized regulatory reporting powerhouses.
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