ORBCOMM joins Move to -15°C coalition to promote cold chain sustainability
ORBCOMM partners with industry stakeholders to accelerate climate action and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and supply chain costs

ROCHELLE PARK, N.J., Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ORBCOMM today announced it has joined the Move to -15°C campaign as a technology provider to help track and share the telematics data that will help quantify the initiative’s impact.
Launched at COP28, the Move to -15°C is a coalition of industry leaders committed to changing the global temperature that frozen food is stored and transported at from -18°C to -15°C. This move could cut carbon emissions by 17.7 million metric tonnes and reduce energy consumption by 25 terawatt-hours.
“We’re proud to be joining this initiative, alongside other industry leaders, to support the evolution of a decades-old frozen food standard that hurts our environment,” says Christian Allred, ORBCOMM SVP and GM of Maritime IoT.
“As a supply chain visibility technology provider, data matters to us. And what the data shows is that dropping the temperature frozen goods are stored and transported at by a few degrees can have a massive positive impact on the planet.”
With over 30 years of experience in industrial IoT, ORBCOMM reefer telematics are among the leaders in the industry in over-the-road transportation and maritime. Six of the world’s top 10 shipping lines use ORBCOMM technology to remotely monitor and manage cargo conditions like temperature and humidity to help reduce carbon footprint, eliminate operational inefficiencies and improve cargo integrity.
Today, ORBCOMM cold chain customers are using telematics to help reduce spoilage, improve resource efficiency, simplify ESG reporting and increase operational transparency. With ORBCOMM joining the Move to -15°C coalition, they can now use the same data to quantify the initiative’s effects.
Since its launch at COP 28 in 2023, the Move to -15°C has doubled its membership numbers. Today, it includes stakeholders from every stage of the frozen food cold chain, including Maersk, DP World, Hapag-Lloyd, Lineage, Ocean Network Express and Morrison’s.
For more information about the Move to -15°C initiative, visit https://www.movetominus15.com/.
About ORBCOMM Inc.
ORBCOMM is a pioneer in IoT technology, empowering customers with insight to make data-driven decisions that help them optimize their operations, maximize profitability and build a more sustainable future. With 30 years of experience and one of the most comprehensive solution portfolios in the industry, ORBCOMM enables the management of over a million assets worldwide for a diverse customer base spanning transportation, supply chain, heavy equipment, maritime, natural resources and government. For more information about how ORBCOMM is driving the evolution of industry through the power of data, visit www.orbcomm.com.
ORBCOMM media contact
Lina Paerez
SVP of Global Marketing and Communications
+1 613.875.1485
About the Move to -15°C
Established in 2023, the Move to -15°C aims to reset frozen food temperature standards to reduce greenhouse gases, lower supply chain costs and secure global food resources. It was founded following the launch of the Three Degrees of Change report, an academic paper supported by global logistics firm, DP World, and delivered by experts from the Paris-based International Institute of Refrigeration, the University of Birmingham and London South Bank University among others. Recognising that a change in global temperature standards requires a collective effort, the Coalition intends to bring together key players within the global food supply chain to collaborate and explore viable options for a move to -15°C.
Move to -15°C media contact
Jack Stewart, Edelman
Associate Director, Sustainability and Social Impact
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/02359290-5a2d-44cf-afa6-f8bd7fd4180f
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