Colliers adds leading Australian engineering firm
Acquisition expands infrastructure capabilities across Australia
TORONTO and SYDNEY, Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global diversified professional services and investment management company, Colliers (NASDAQ, TSX: CIGI), announced today that Colliers Engineering & Design Australia (“Colliers Engineering”) has acquired TTM Group Pty Limited (“TTM”), a leading transportation engineering consultancy headquartered in Brisbane, Queensland.
The addition will augment Colliers Engineering’s overall scale and add new traffic and transportation capabilities across Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria. TTM’s senior leadership team will become shareholders in the Colliers Engineering platform under Colliers’ unique partnership model. The business will rebrand as “Colliers Engineering & Design” and fully integrate into the rapidly expanding Colliers Engineering platform. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
Founded in 1982, TTM’s 65 professionals operate from four offices across Australia. They provide transportation and traffic engineering and design, specialty acoustics, data collection, and waste management design and consulting to private and public sector clients.
“The acquisition of TTM represents the third follow-on investment since Colliers entered Australia’s engineering consultancy market in 2022, highlighting the attractiveness of our unique partnership philosophy, enterprising culture, and long-term growth ambitions,” said John Kenny, CEO Colliers Asia Pacific. “Our approach continues to differentiate Colliers and attract best-in-class firms to our platform, and we are delighted to welcome the talented professionals from TTM.”
“TTM will help expand our transportation capabilities, qualifications, and relationships across Australia, allowing us to provide an enhanced suite of essential and valuable development and infrastructure-related services to clients,” said Brent Thomas, Managing Director of Colliers Engineering & Design Australia. “The TTM team has a long history of working on important public infrastructure and private developments. We are excited to be partnering with them.”
“Joining an entrepreneurial firm with a national and global platform like Colliers Engineering was a natural next step for TTM,” said Brian Camilleri, Principal Director of TTM, who will become Colliers Engineering’s National Director – Transportation. “We were attracted to Colliers’ strong brand and entrepreneurial culture, which will enable our professionals to capitalize on the tremendous opportunity to work on major development and transportation infrastructure projects in the country.”
Colliers Contacts
John Kenny
Chief Executive Officer | Asia Pacific
+61 2 9257 0222
Brent Thomas
Managing Director | Colliers Engineering & Design Australia
+61 3 9562 7424
TTM Contact
Brian Camilleri
Principal Director
+07 3327 9500
About Colliers
Colliers (NASDAQ, TSX: CIGI) is a leading diversified professional services and investment management company. With operations in 68 countries, our 22,000 enterprising professionals work collaboratively to provide expert real estate and investment advice to clients. For more than 29 years, our experienced leadership with significant inside ownership has delivered compound annual investment returns of approximately 20% for shareholders. With annual revenues of more than $4.4 billion and $96 billion of assets under management, Colliers maximizes the potential of property and real assets to accelerate the success of our clients, our investors and our people. Learn more at, X @Colliers or LinkedIn.
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