FPT Forges Partnership with Ascending Strategies, Strengthening Presence in Australasia Market
HANOI, Vietnam -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --
Global technology corporation FPT and Australian strategic consultancy firm, Ascending Strategies, recently inked a partnership agreement. The collaboration is set to foster innovation and business development across the Australasia region.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241003265492/en/
Under this agreement, FPT’s technology subsidiaries, FPT Software and FPT IS, will deliver digital solutions and services in managed services, hyperautomation, and green and sustainable technologies to support businesses in the region to accelerate digital transformation projects and enhance productivity. This partnership targets the region's high-demand industries, including real estate, construction, education, and energy.
Leveraging Ascending Strategies’s vast network and extensive experience, FPT will expand its operations in Australasia. Meanwhile, Ascending Strategies will gain access to FPT’s industry know-how and technological prowess in artificial intelligence, cloud, and data to deliver advanced digital solutions that promote efficient digital and green transformations.
Nguyen Khai Hoan, FPT Software’s Senior Executive Vice President, said: “The Australasia region is witnessing a growing demand for customized digital transformation solutions, especially in AI, Cloud, and Data. By combining FPT's high-quality global workforce and strong technological expertise with Ascending Strategies' extensive partner and client network, we are confident in delivering more advanced digital solutions to a broader range of enterprises in Australia, New Zealand, and beyond.”
Ms. Natalie Fairlie, Ascending Strategies Managing Director said: “Our partnership with FPT represents an incredible opportunity for Australian businesses to access innovative solutions that are reshaping industries globally. It is also underpinned by increasingly strengthened business ties between Australia and Vietnam. The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership formed in March this year, elevates this relationship and gives Australian business additional confidence to enhance economic engagement. This partnership aims to leverage FPT’s significant and proven digital transformation capacities alongside Ascending Strategies’s market insights and Australian networks. I am confident both sides can rapidly deliver world-class projects and accelerate considerable business solutions for Australian businesses seeking a competitive edge.”
Highlighting the potential of the collaboration, Tran Dang Hoa, FPT IS Chairman, shared: “IT spending in Australia is expected to reach AU$147 billion in 2025, an increase of 8.7% from 2024, highlighting the growing importance of technology service providers in helping Australian organizations unlock new business opportunities. With Ascending Strategies’ deep market insights and the strength of our Made by FPT ecosystem, both sides can rapidly deliver world-class projects and solutions to assist businesses.”
The signing ceremony was witnessed by Renee Deschamps, the Deputy Australian Ambassador to Vietnam and other Australian government and business leaders. It underscores FPT’s commitment to delivering advanced technological solutions that contribute to sustainable development for businesses and society while strengthening the increasingly close technological cooperation between Vietnam and Australia.
With nearly two decades of operations in Australasia, FPT currently boasts a workforce of over 300 highly skilled IT professionals, both onsite and offshore, delivering innovative, end-to-end technology services to clients in Australia and New Zealand across various sectors, including manufacturing, healthcare, and insurance. By 2026, the company aims to expand its workforce to 1,000 IT engineers to serve a wider clientele and further strengthen its presence in the region.
About FPT Corporation
FPT Corporation (FPT) is a globally leading technology and IT services provider headquartered in Vietnam. FPT operates in three core sectors: Technology, Telecommunications, and Education. During over three decades of development, FPT has constantly provided practical and effective products to millions of people and tens of thousands of business and non-business organizations worldwide, establishing Vietnam’s position on the global tech map. Keeping up with the latest market trends and emerging technologies, FPT has developed the Made-by-FPT ecosystem of services, products, solutions, and platforms, which enables sustainable growth for organizations and businesses and offers distinctive experiences to customers. In 2023, FPT recorded a total revenue of USD 2.17 billion and 48,000+ employees. For more information, please visit https://fpt.com/en.
About Ascending Strategies
Founded in 2021, Ascending Strategies is an Australian company with a strategic presence in both Australia and Vietnam. As a professional advisory firm, Ascending Strategies specializes in creating growth opportunities and transformative strategies tailored to the unique needs of clients across diverse sectors. Vietnam is a dynamic and growing economy, with Ascending Strategies uniquely placed to support investment flows between Vietnamese and Australasian businesses seeking growth and investment opportunities.
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