Australia’s TPG Telecom Taps Mavenir to Boost Voice Security For Mobile Users and Block AI-Driven Sc
RICHARDSON, Texas, Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mavenir, the Network Software Provider building the future of networks with cloud-native solutions that run on any cloud, today announces that its advanced machine learning (ML) technology is being used by TPG Telecom to protect mobile users from the increasing scourge of AI-driven scam and spam voice calls – resulting in a 280 per cent increase in the number of fraudulent calls being blocked before they reach TPG Telecom customers’ mobile phones.
The Australian telco is already benefiting from Mavenir’s intelligent SpamShield technology protection for SMS messaging for several years. Mavenir is now supplying its robust, real-time CallShield solution –to protect TPG Telecom’s customers across its Vodafone, TPG, iiNet and felix brands from the nuisance and threat of automated and deepfake voice calls initiated by fraudsters.
In the first six months of this year, Mavenir’s CallShield technology has blocked almost 19 million fraudulent mobile calls from reaching TPG Telecom’s customers. This equates to blocking 103,000 illicit calls from reaching customers per day, and more than triple the 4.9 million calls blocked in the first half of 2023. This represents some of the highest scam and spam call prevention figures in the industry.
TPG Telecom also uses Mavenir’s SpamShield platform to stop fraudulent SMS from reaching its mobile users. In the first six months of 2024, Mavenir’s technology blocked more than 59.6 million fraudulent text messages from reaching TPG Telecom’s customers.
Communication Service Providers (CSPs) globally are facing a constantly evolving flow of unsolicited spam and fraud traffic – across both data and voice services – which is increasingly driven by sophisticated AI techniques, making it very difficult to detect and control. In addition to creating a poor experience for users and significant revenue losses for operators, a 2022 report by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission highlighted that phone scams cost Australians a concerning A$141 million in losses. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), the regulator of the country’s telecommunications system, is spearheading industry action to crack down on spam and scam calls and ensure that consumers are adequately protected – enforcing regulatory compliance from operators and supporting the roll-out of effective security solutions from technology vendors. Mavenir’s CallShield solution uses real-time machine learning technology to carry out automated security analysis and proactive defense across voice services – helping operators to stay one step ahead of the scammers. The CallShield solution provides CSPs with 360-degree control to effectively address specific situations within their networks with unrivalled speed and flexibility. While traditional detection and prevention techniques are based on deterministic rules that can be easily detected and bypassed, CallShield’s ML detection algorithms with built-in intelligence adapt to current network conditions and subscriber behavior to continually detect and block attempted activity from spammers and fraudster.
TPG Telecom Chief Technology Officer Giovanni Chiarelli said: “Our business is built on the trust of our customers. We are committed to embracing new technologies that provide the best possible protection against the nuisance and threat of malicious harm posed by these spammers and scammers. We are pleased Mavenir’s CallShield technology is providing real-time, automated security analysis and effective security for customers across our voice services.”
Jan Schaar, Asia Pacific Regional Vice President for Mavenir, added: “The speed and sophistication of the techniques being employed by scammers and fraudsters means that a reactive security approach based on purely “reporting” spam is no longer enough. To offer mobile users the assurance and peace of mind they need today, we need to work harder and smarter, and remain one step ahead at all times – continuously learning from and anticipating the scammers’ next move. Our SpamShield platform, with its powerful ML-driven engine, is already delivering state-of-the-art, proactive security and protection across TPG’s messaging services. We are happy to now be extending the solution span by providing our robust CallShield technology – ensuring that TPG’s mobile customers can now enjoy the same superior protection from nuisance and malicious threats that arrive in the form of unwanted voice calls.”
Notes to editor:
TPG official Press Release - TPG Telecom stops spams and scams from reaching customers with new call blocker
SpamShield / Messaging Fraud - Mavenir
About TPG Telecom
TPG Telecom is an Australian telecommunications company which is home to some of Australia’s most-loved telecommunications brands including Vodafone, TPG, iiNet, AAPT, Internode, Lebara and felix. As the second largest telecommunications company listed on the ASX, TPG Telecom has a strong challenger spirit and a commitment to delivering the best services and products to its customers.
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About Mavenir:
Mavenir is building the future of networks today with cloud-native, AI-enabled solutions which are green by design, empowering operators to realize the benefits of 5G and achieve intelligent, automated, programmable networks. As the pioneer of Open RAN and a proven industry disruptor, Mavenir’s award-winning solutions are delivering automation and monetization across mobile networks globally, accelerating software network transformation for 300+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world’s subscribers. For more information, please visit
Mavenir PR Contacts:
Emmanuela Spiteri
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