Meltwater expands partnership with X, gaining resyndication rights
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Meltwater, a leading global provider of media, social and consumer intelligence, today announces the expansion of its partnership with X, one of the world’s largest social media platforms. As part of this enhanced collaboration, Meltwater has secured the rights to resyndicate X content to approved customers, making it the first partner in the western hemisphere with such privileges.
"We've enjoyed a close relationship with X as a member of the Official Partner Program for many years," said John Box, CEO of Meltwater. "Now, we are thrilled to expand upon that and provide the same comprehensive view of what's happening on X as we always have, while also being one of the first companies globally with rights to deliver full-text X content via API to customers who have more advanced needs."
Meltwater's partnership with X has been instrumental in delivering news and insights in real time to customers who need to stay on top of the latest conversations and manage their brands. With access to X’s indispensable content, Meltwater has consistently provided its customers with a comprehensive understanding of the global media landscape. This expanded partnership further solidifies Meltwater's commitment to delivering unparalleled media intelligence solutions, with the largest body of news and social data available globally.
By gaining resyndication rights, Meltwater can now offer its customers the ability to access and utilize X's full-text content through its API. This development is particularly beneficial for customers who require more advanced data analysis and insights. Meltwater's advanced technology and expertise, combined with X's extensive news coverage, will empower organizations to make informed decisions based on the most up-to-date and comprehensive information available.
"Meltwater has been an incredible partner and I look forward to continuing our work together," said X CEO Linda Yaccarino. "This expansion will bring our content to more users around the world, so they can see what we already know: there is simply no substitute for X."
As a trusted partner, Meltwater continues to invest in strategic collaborations that enhance its offerings and provide added value to its customers. The expanded partnership with X is a testament to Meltwater's commitment to delivering cutting-edge media intelligence solutions and maintaining its position as a leader in the industry.
For more information, please contact:
Kelly Costello
About Meltwater
Meltwater empowers companies with solutions that span media, social and consumer intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content daily and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents, and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner for global brands making an impact. Learn more at
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