FDH Aero Signs Strategic Partnership with COMAC and Long-Term Contract with SAMC for C919 Platform
Agreements further strengthen FDH's relationship with COMAC and commitment to C919
COMMERCE, Calif., Oct. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - FDH Aero (“FDH”), a global provider of supply chain solutions for the aerospace and defense industry, has signed a strategic partnership agreement with Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) and a long-term agreement contract with COMAC's wholly-owned subsidiary and manufacturing center Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing (SAMC), on the development of the C919 platform.
As one of a select few distributors already delivering a suite of supply chain solutions to the COMAC C919 platform, FDH has extended its support for the passenger jet platform by directly contracting with COMAC and SAMC to offer multiple technology and engineering support services beyond buying and selling hardware for the platform. As part of the multi-commodity agreement, FDH will deliver hardware, electrical and chemical products and solutions, in addition to providing engineering management services and strategic value-added services.
“Today's announcement is a culmination of the success story of our partnership with COMAC and a bridge to the future,” said FDH Aero Managing Director APAC Cody Ho. “We believe this is the core recipe of success for our relationship with COMAC and look forward to a fruitful collaboration in supporting the C919 platform for many years to come.”
COMAC C919 is a narrow-body, twin-engine commercial airliner developed by COMAC. The C919 has amassed orders of more than 1,000 aircrafts and provides China with a domestically produced alternative in the competitive global market for single-aisle jets.
“This partnership with COMAC and SAMC directly aligns with our strategic plan for global support of key customers,” said FDH Aero Executive Vice President of Global Sales Fred Short. “Our commitment to the Asia-Pacific really originated in the midst of COVID, back when we committed to building a presence in the Region. Since then, we now have offices and stocking capabilities in Shanghai, Singapore, and Guangzhou, amongst other locations, and we are excited about our continued growth in the region.”
FDH Aero has become a leading supply-chain solutions partner, known for its focus on white-glove customer service and partnership agreements with the industry's most trusted brands. The company delivers a full range of hardware, electrical, chemical and consumable products and value-add services to the world's leading aerospace and defense customers.
About FDH Aero
FDH Aero is a trusted global supply chain solutions partner for aerospace and defense companies, helping to shape the industry by simplifying the supply chain. With over 60 years of experience, it specializes in hardware, electrical, consumables & expendables, licensed products, and value-add services for global OEM and aftermarket customers. FDH is headquartered in Commerce, California, and has operations across the Americas, EMEA and APAC. FDH Aero has locations in 14 countries across the globe, with more than 1,500 best-in-industry employees and over 650,000 square feet of inventory space.
For more information, please visit FDHAero.com.
Heather Rosenow
Vice President, Global Marketing & Communications
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