Alpega Introduces Connecta, Europe’s First Open Logistics Network
Alpega, a global leader in logistics SaaS software, has launched Connecta, an open network designed to revolutionize logistics connectivity. Connecta unites shippers, carriers, logistics service providers (LSPs), and freight forwarders in a centralized solution to collaborate, connect, and explore new business opportunities. As Europe’s first fully open logistics network, Connecta provides a seamless solution for professionals to showcase their services and grow their businesses. Think of it as the LinkedIn for logistics—a space where industry players can engage and expand their operations.
Connecta stands out from fragmented solutions and closed private networks by offering free access to a vast pool of 85,000 verified carriers and load posters, catering to businesses of all sizes. Powered by Alpega’s Digital Transport Platform, Connecta provides access to real-time insights, spot bidding, and capacity optimization, making it a transformative force in the logistics industry.
“Connecta unifies the logistics ecosystem, enabling partners to interact effortlessly, align their needs, and unlock new business opportunities. Alpega is uniquely positioned in the logistics market to unite this ecosystem through Connecta as the only TMS provider in the European market with a massive freight exchange open network of +100,000 carriers and freight forwarders. This synergy allows logistics companies to operate more cost efficiently while minimizing wasted capacity,” said Todd DeLaughter, CEO of Alpega.
Connecta offers both free and paid options, allowing businesses of all sizes to scale effectively. Shippers, forwarders, and LSPs gain access to a large pool of trusted carriers, enhancing capacity planning and operational efficiency. Carriers, in turn, benefit from increased visibility, improved capacity utilization, and reduced empty runs, driving both revenue growth and cost savings.
At launch, Connecta simplifies logistics with several standout features. Its streamlined onboarding process grants users’ immediate access to a large network of vetted professionals through a single registration. The centralized directory enhances communication and collaboration. Additionally, Connecta integrates with Alpega’s Freight Exchange, enabling real-time spot bidding for paid users. Over time, it will fully integrate with Alpega’s Digital Transport Platform, providing a comprehensive solution for Freight Sourcing and Procurement, Transport Execution, and Transport Planning.
Join Connecta Today. Pre-registration is now open here. Whether you're a shipper, carrier, LSP, or forwarder, Connecta offers tools to expand your network and optimize operations. Join today and be part of the future of logistics.
Alpega is a leading global logistics SaaS software company, dedicated to delivering end-to-end solutions that comprehensively address all transport requirements. Our mission is to empower shippers and carriers through efficient digitalization to meet today’s logistics challenges, driving smarter logistics for a greener tomorrow.
Drawing on extensive carrier-based assets, Alpega delivers tangible benefits across Execution, Planning, Sourcing and Payment solutions. As the sole SaaS provider offering Transport Management Systems (TMS) for shippers, coupled with an 85,000-strong open carrier network covering around 10% of all commercial trucks in Europe, we are at the forefront of innovation and efficiency. For our carriers, our connectivity extends through three premier freight exchanges in Europe, with notable leadership in Iberia, Romania, Central, and Southeastern European regions, facilitating seamless matching of freight loads with transportation capacity.
With over three decades of expertise in transportation, we empower businesses to streamline their supply chain planning and execution, resulting in reduced costs and heightened visibility. Alpega's suite of solutions synergistically generates added value for our customers. Our community comprises 85,000 carriers and 200,000 members, seamlessly connected electronically each day to efficiently manage vital transport operations. Operating in 80 countries globally, Alpega boasts a diverse team of over 500 professionals representing 31 nationalities.
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